
I think at some point i would like to become a vegetarian but i have a question...?

by  |  earlier

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first off, please don't take this the wrong way, i don't mean to be offensive whatsoever.

even if more people turn vegetarian, the whole world will not stop eathing meat, so is it more of a personal protest for you? also, if everyone stopped eating meat, hypothetically, what would happen?

please keep in mind that i am NOT bashing vegetarians, i think i want to be one someday, but i am curious about the answers to these questions.

thank you, and i admire you guys for being vegetarians:)




  1. You're right, not everyone is going to stop eating meat, but I hope many people do, or at least reduce their consumption.  I hope I am at least making a difference to the animals I save.  I know I'm making a difference to me.

    If more and more people go veg, fewer animals will be bred and born, fewer animals will suffer, etc.  This means fewer crops will be grown for animal feed and hopefully fed to humans instead.  If more people convert to a vegan diet, this will reduce use of precious resources--water and fossil fuels--and reduce the runoff from CAFOs that pollute the waterways.  Animal industry is the biggest contributor to global warming.

    I hope you find the strength to go vegetarian.  We'll be happy to help when you decide to take that step.

  2. I think the more people become vegetarian, the more animal rights issues will come to light. Even if the world keeps eating meat, if there is a large number of vegetarians, then everyone would HAVE to be more aware of the factory farming industry. And hopefully, that would set more laws in place so that it was less inhumane.

    In addition, I honestly believe that when people see how healthy vegetarians are, they will want to be that way too. And through time, it will be regarded as a healthy way of living which people strive towards, even if they never become "fully" vegetarian.

    If everyone stopped eating meat, it would definitely be gradual. The only thing I know is that a lot of land would be freed for farming, and the earth would be much less polluted. I think it would be a better place for everyone.

  3. For me, there were just too many reasons. Yes, cruelty to animals is a big concern. I am not sure whether or not any single person going veg will save an animal, so that might be what you mean by "personal protest."

    A few thoughts on that matter:

    -There are many other situations where one person's action makes no concrete difference, but many people still think that, even if no difference is made, there is still an obligation to act. Voting, littering, boycotts, and takig steps to reduce one's pollution are all areas where one person simply will not make a difference. But many people still think you shouldn't litter, should vote, should not buy from companies with immoral practices, should avoid wasting water or electricity, etc.

    -Very rarely do our actions occur in a vacuum. One person might not reduce the number of animals slaughter or change the market. But what about two? Ten? A hundred? I never try to "convert" people (not including discussions like this.) Even with no effort on my own part, however, I know of five people who went veg because I did. Your actions affect others, even when you don't mean for them two, and the consequences of your actions can radiate out beyond your personal actions.

    -There are many reasons be a vegetarian. Animal cruelty is one. But concerns about health, the world food supply, finances, and harm to the environment are all possible reasons. Even if any one reason was insufficient, taken together they present quite a strong case.

    Finally, what would happen if everyone stopped eating meat? I guess the world would be a better place. :) No, I know what you mean. I would point out, though, that if the world did shift to a veg diet, it would be a very slow transition. The demand for meat would decline, and as it did, fewer animals would be bred for slaughter, farmers would shift to more profitable foods. Some farm animals would still be bred for milk and eggs, others, like pigs, would exist in far lower numbers than they presently do and likely either continue on as pets, or live as some do now on farm animal sanctuaries. In any case, this is a far cry from our present world, where the demand for meat is rising.

  4. There are different types of vegetarians.  Some are moral (personal protest, as you put it).  Others are doing it to lose weight, for other health reasons, religion, or whatever.  Some just don't like the taste.

  5. every vegetarian saves 100 animals a year. so it does make a difference. what do you mean, what would happen if the whole world stopped eating meat? there would be no more torturing of animals, not as many deaths and sicknesses. there would still be animals, not all of them are used for meat. even those on farms would still be there for other purposes.

    i am a vegetarian, not really because of a personal protest, but because i think it is disgusting. even if an animal was already dead, or if all animals were treated well and killed humanely, i would not eat it. i live by the words of tim mcilrath's daughter; we dont eat our friends, daddy!!!!

  6. I'm not trying to make the entire planet vegan but if even ONE less animal has to live through h**l or just ONE less dollar of mine falls into the hands of disgusting corporations that care of NOTHING but profit I have achieved my goal.

    The great thing is that I'll achieve my goal thousands of times over before I'm dead.

    One veg person doesn't make any actual difference but millions of us will make a difference.

  7. If everyone stopped eating meat, hypothetically, what would happen?

    My guess is...................

    1) Less people would be having open heart bypasses (heart attacks are directly caused by fat blocking arteries. Fat that leads to blocking arteries is directly caused by eating fat related products, meat and dairy)

    2) Would help to end animal cruelty – commercially raised animals are kept in horrible conditions

    3) Would help the environment – according to a study published in 2007, a kilogram of beef generates the equivalent of 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

    4) Would help protect the world’s ancient natural wonders – rainforests are cleared to raise (feed) cattle for beef. At least 50% of the world’s rainforests have been cleared to date.

    5) Would help to save dwindling water supplies – masses amount of water is used to grow grain to fatten animals just for meat consumption According to a recent Newsweek article; it takes 13,250 litres of water to produce one steak. To produce just 4.5 kilos of steak requires the same amount of water as is used by an average household for an entire year.

    6) Would help end famine in Third World countries – there is a world shortage of grain for humans, as this grain is being grown to fatten animals just for meat consumption. According to a Cornell University study in the USA, the amount of grain consumed by animals being raised for slaughter in the meat industry, could feed approximately 800 million hungry people.

    7) With a vegan diet you have less packaging to throw away into landfill.

    8) With a vegan diet you have less greasy pots and pans to wash every night.

    9) The less meat we eat, the less likely we are to experience negative emotions, such as, depression, anxiety, anger and violence.


  8. Huh?..whats the question hun...............not always about protesting its more PERSONAL choice you know also people were never meant to eat flesh it even says in the bible even though im buddhist not christian..........proverb12:15 i think that makes it a sin to take a life and eat one of gods creatures more animals would be happily roaming the earth like there meant to thats for sure............p.s. meat rots in our stomach doesnt digest

  9. Actually there different types of vegetarians:

    I just don't eat red meat, Why? cause it sets in the stomach and rots before it goes out of the body.

    Some just eat no meat or milk products; others just have milk products.  Some just eat fish.

    I had to cut back on saturated fats due to medical reasons, and quit red meat, but I feel better.  Focusing on vegetables and fruit; less on fish and chicken (only as a side dish) has worked for me and along the way lost a good amount of weight.

  10. Avoid being a veg. You will fall into a lot of sickness and diseases in your old age

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