
I think both candidates are good choices...?

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America is being so hateful to both parties and I think it's really sad. Neither candidate is perfect, and trust me we will never have one that completely is, BUT we have two strong candidates that love their country very much. I watched both conventions, and they both were very inspiring. Everday I watch unbiased news so I dont have to deal with favoritism/cruel insults that we all know are reported on FoxNews, and sometimes CNN. Each ticket Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin will offer great change to the United States of America and we should be proud of that. I commend both candidates for having the courage and love that desires them to want to led this country. anyone else agree?




  1. I do! Definitely...who wants to put up with the c**p the media throws at you?

    I do not think it bodes well for our future when "normal" people who would otherwise serve our nation would refrain because of the treatment they must go through to serve.

  2. Your right but what scares the plp is McCains age and health. I could see the pit bull with lip stick have us in a nuke war within a few months if she took office just from her attitude.

    Your right about too much media. If you want to hear the Gops positive point of view watch Fox News, if a Demo watch CNN, neither is fair and balanced and will do anything to catch your eye such as stupid stuff as the reporters tieing their self by ropes to a pole during the hurricane in order to say its pretty windy out here>>daaaa.  I watching to see if a fly piece of debis cuts ones head off to see if there mouth still keeps talking abou the weather, way too much extremes on tv anymore!!

  3. You are doing what every American should and that is evaluate the candidates on the content of their character. The President takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  Each Senator takes that oath, Every Midshipman, every Naval Officer does that as well. So, John McCain has taken such an oath numerous times since he was 17 years old. We know that Obama took that oath at least once when he became a Senator. Over the next two months we must decide which man will do the better job when they take up the position in January and make the oath.  

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