
I think cops are hot. How can I date one?

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I think cops are hot. How can I date one?




  1. Hang out at the donut shop! Hang out at the shooting range... hang out on the street corner... bowling alley, grocery store, video store...

    Honey, I was married to a cop.  (Was being the operative word) A lot of my friends were married to cops, too.

    They are not all the same, but close.

    If you want to date one - it won't take much effort! LOL!

    They are human beings in a drop-dead uniform. When they put on jeans and tee shirts they are ultimately just human - not Super-human.

    Just be sure you can handle the long hours he won't be spending with you, the million other women who think cops are hot, hanging out with someone who carries a gun everywhere they go, and have a relationship with someone who might not be able to come home because he has commited the ultimate sacrifice - dying on the job.

    Good luck!

    It was an interesting and never boring life!!

  2. Get arrested naked.

  3. Try running into the local Police station wearing nothing but donuts to cover your modesty and shouting 'Anyone for coffee ?'

  4. Cops are people too.  There is no difference in getting a date with one than any other guy.  Next time you see a "hot cop", go up to him with your hands OUT of your pockets and talk to him about something - just make something up.  Ask him if his agency allows ride alongs.  If not, ask him if he wants to go somewhere for lunch or whatever.  Most cops will not ask a girl out while he is on duty so don't expect them to ask you out.

  5. Wear something nice (short skirt, high heels and black seamed nylons), have nightime makeup on in the daytime, hot red lipstick and polish on your toenails and fingernails, and then just walk up to a cop and give him your number on a piece of paper.  Works everytime!

  6. Go to a cop bar, and look s**y.

  7. Hang out at  Dunkin Donuts.

  8. Certainly don't get arrested =P

  9. oh wow.....

    there are so many cops out there

    but gah some are huge pigs

    try speeding get pulled over and flirt with the cop

    why is what i really have to say

    at least please try to look for some personality not just cause "you think they're hot"

  10. Go to the police station and tell them you want to ride a good looking cop.

    oops I mean ride along with

  11. call me up

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