
I think feminist gave me post pardum depression, what do you think?

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My daugther is almost a year old. I have 3 other children ages 5,6 & 7. I have always been a super peppy, happy, energetic, fun and optimistic person. But all of a sudden I feel useless, tired, fat, ugly, angry, sleepy, the list goes on... Anyway I think that if feminist didnt brain wash women into thinking that they have to have superpowers I would not be feeling this way. I feel like if it was more acceptable to be a little bit vulendrable (sp?) and a tad bit needy of some help once in a while I wouldnt be so down about not being able to keep up all the time. Even though I love being a SAHM all the negitivity wears on you after awhile... So, I think the the general attitude women have toward each other and the general attitude that feminsum has created toward us has really done more harm then good. What do you think?




  1. Feminists haven't tried to "brainwash" women into thinking they have superpowers, or that they have to be everything to everybody.  All feminism has strove to do is give women want a career?  Great, go for it!  You want to be a SAHM?  That's fine too.  

    If you're suffering from postpartum depression, don't blame feminism for your troubles.  The connection you attempted to make between the problems that you are dealing with and feminism is utterly ridiculous.  Seek medical help, and don't try and scapegoat the blame onto others.

  2. I think that this forum is SLAP FULL of people who blame their personal failings, failures, insecurities, and NOW, even medical conditions and mental issues, on other people, or groups of people.

    If you have post partum depression, then you need to stop complaining about how "the feminists did it," and seek help. I think it's important that you mention to your doctor that "the feminists did it," though, because this sort of delusional and paranoid thoughts of persecution can indicate a particularly serious form of post partum depression. It is extremely important that you seek help immediately.

    Seriously, anyone with half a brain knows that post partum depression is biological, not culturally influenced, so I can only assume that you are serious, and are in desperate need of help.

    EDIT-No, we're not missing the point. "Feminism" (or even "feminisum") does not cause post-partum depression. Nor does any other cultural influence. it's biological. Period.

  3. post partum depression is caused by hormonal changes. neither feminists or anyone else caused you to have post partum depression. i have been through post partum depression. you can get help for it. for me it seemed to subside after a couple months but every womans body chemistry is different. if you want to talk you can email me. i hope you feel better soon.

  4. My dad's answer: "Shut up, read a medical journal, and find out that it's been happening for centuries! It's psychological, not political!"

    My answer: I wholeheartedly agree. Even the hardest-core feminist understands that having a baby is tough on the body and the mind and you can't get your groove back as fast as usual.

    EDIT: I meant that I agree with my dad, not with you.

  5. There you go as you can see when you say something not to there liking they attack you. Tell you your weak you can't do it an so on. No one like a fem once a person says there a feminist  its like a social kiss of death.  They do no good only make happy women feel bad. An for what being a good mother a loveing wife. What do they have to show for there lives hairy legs no friends an a cat.

  6. Actually, it was the backlash AGAINST feminism that ended up perpetuating the super-woman myth.  And, oddly enough, all of the feelings you are feeling (useless, tired, fat, ugly, angry, sleepy) were first identified by Betty Friedan in "The Feminine Mystique" as a direct result of women feeling the isolation and pressure of the daily homecare/childcare routine.

    I think feminism has been misconstrued over the years and many people don't understand what it is at all.  I would recommend reading "The Feminine Mystique" at least to get an idea of what the birth of Third Wave (ie modern) feminism looked like.  And for more on how the backlash of the 1980's created the superwoman myth, you might read Naomi Woolf's "The Beauty Myth."

  7. If you've got four kids under 8 years of age, what in h**l are you doing up at 12:11AM???

    Go to BED.  get a decent night's sleep, and all will look better in the morning.

    You should not give a tinker's d**n what anyone thinks about you being a "Stay At Home Mom".  (God, I hate that phrase.  What is wrong with "housewife"?)(That, and "Single Mom", or "Soccer Mom")

    I have always worked and I do not give a fig what anyone thinks about my lifestyle.  What they think of me is none of my business!!!

  8. I don't think so. I think you are looking elsewhere to justify your depression. While I understand you to a certain extent, no one makes you feel anything but you. Sounds like to me your pressures are self-inflicted.

    Why don't you do a Mother's Day Out thing? Why don't you get into a local thing with community service that could involve your children? You'd be surprised at how many women are probably just like you, and want some adult conversation for once.

    You have to reach out sometimes. It really does help. :)

  9. What part of post-partum depression begins almost one year after delivery?  Post "parTum" (not "pardum")


    No wonder you're depressed:  you're depressed because you're stupid.  Its not the fault of "feminsum" that you're thick as a plank.  That's your fault.  I would be depressed if I were you too.

    You should be ashamed of yourself making jokes about serious mental illness.  Its because of people like you that the stigma of mental illness continues and people suffer needlessly.

    *Hun I'm an educated feminist who can spell "postpartum/post-partum" correctly and who has done the research on your behalf, for free:

    Post-partum depression is severe depression in a woman after she has given birth.  Most of the time, it occurs sometime in the first 4 weeks after delivery. In a tiny minority of cases symptoms of postpartum have surfaced up to one year after delivery.

    Two years?  No way.

    If you are seriously depressed then its clinical depression - the non-postpartum variety.  See your doctor about medication.

    “Post-partum depression is a more serious condition that affects between 8 - 20% of women after pregnancy, especially the first 4 weeks. It is necessary to seek medical attention to treat post-partum depression.”

  10. I think that if you really had suffered from post-partum depression, then you would have known how to spell it right at the very least.

    Can't handle a little criticism, well as someone who has actually suffered from severe post-partum depression and doesn't lie and make up bs about such things, your question is actually offensive and downright lame.

  11. Weak blame on the feminists, but your depression is normal.

  12. Its amazing before feminism became mainstream and women's "issues" wasn't a buzz word, women didn't suffer from this c**p. Go ask your grandmothers, they'll tell you that they had never heard of such a thing. Its like a lot of other "medical" problems that have surfaced lately (depression, post traumatic stress disorder, bi polar, etc.) Its just an excuse to wallow in self pity and a serious lack of self control.

  13. 'Gave' you it? I wasn't aware that post partum depression is contagious.

  14. Nah, you don't have PPD. You are just stressed because it's alot of work caring for 4 kids, hun. I know the feeling, I have a few of my own!

    But I know what you mean about the negativity. Learn to let it go. If you are being a good mom to your kids and a good wife to your husband, then it doesn't matter a bit if you aren't lining up with the feminist ideal of "having it all" - stellar career, perfect kids, spotless house, happy helpful husband. Let it go and take care of your family.

  15. Well, if your daughter is almost 1 year old, i think its a little late for post partum depression.  Chances are you're just feeling a little out of sorts, which I think is understandable for a woman with 4 children.  Everybody gets the blues sometimes, but if you ever feel like you want to hurt yourself or your children, you need to make sure you seek professional help ASAP!

    I don't think that feminism is to blame.  I do think though, that as women, we tend to put a lot of pressure on each other and ourselves.  More than likely the pressure you feel to be invincible is from yourself.  Take a break!  And remember not to be so hard on yourself....or other women for that matter!

    Good luck.

  16. I think having four kids is depressing (as are the symptoms you describe) - I'm wondering why you need to blame it on an ideology and not your own choices ~

    btw, feminism is about choices; believing you have to have superpowers is your choice.

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