
I think flaws in M'sia country laws are obvious, consider to answer solutions to country law, not heaven law?

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Please give me solutions to laws like this in M'sia

1) Is mosque giving jobs to immigrants that received membership from muftis/imams, are they given a place to stay since they are members of the mosque?

2) If hudud law is implemented, will anwar stay in malaysia for example.

3) By cutting off parts of humans in hudud law, how much will govt have to spend to compensate their disabled life and many disabled children and adults centre will have to be set up and supported by the govt, from a productive nation to a handicapped society. Human errors, are these solutions to country productivity

4) If a hubby say 3 times on divorce, any woman in the law will be divorced automatically, irregardless of agreement or disagreement, is it fair to the opposite gender? What if your hubby takes extra wives and tell you 3 times on divorce statement, what if you are a housewife without income?




  1. Any form of religious law is evil.

    Other than that - nobody else cares about Malaysian Law, except Malaysians.

    I remember not long ago Australia and Malaysia had tense (to put it mildly) relations. Now that your former president Dr Mahatir has retired, we leave you to sort out your own mess.

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