
I think global warming is a bunch of c**p. What do you think?

by Guest64236  |  earlier

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I mean, this happened 10,000 years ago and I think that whether or not we're contributing it would still happen. Let the apocalypse come, I live in the mountains of NC and I don't think I will be effected by this at all. So even if it is real I don't need to worry. I saw that show on NGC about Global Warming and from the looks of it all of America that is away from the coasts will be pretty much safe, as long as you don't mind it getting six degrees hotter, which I don't.




  1. There' the debate of global warming. .....

  2. I am amazed that despite all the advances we have made as a society, idiots are still allowed to vote and breed.  The selfishness of the original post amazes me...Basically, it says, "As far as my tiny mind can imagine, even if global warming is real, I'm not going to be affected because I live in the middle of NOWHERE!"  

    I am surprised that the words "THE LORD SHALL PROVIDE"  did not appear in this post.

    Wow.  I don't understand "middle America".  Don't think I ever will...

  3. erm, i think you are reading the bible to much, and science magazines to little, i don't think it is a bunch of c**p, and if you want to know why, watch the "Inconvenient Truth", and read about it (in real science magazines or sites, not christian ones)

  4. OMFG YOU TAKE WORDS OUT OF MY OWN GOD d**n MOUTH!!!!!!!!  will you marry me?

  5. I don't think anyone really knows one way or the other.  I think we're seeing some overall warming, but I wouldn't bet my paycheck that it's anything out of the normal swing of temperatures.  We're one cold winter away from the same group of morons telling us we're on the verge of the next ice age.  Maybe we're just a mile closer to the sun!  Who can prove we aren't?

    Maybe if Sean Penn goes to Venezuela and smokes  a doob with his socialist pal Hugo we will all be certain that George Bush has ruined the planet.  I miss the days when you could believe a bit more of what you read.

    By the way, Al Gore is not a scientist.

  6. You just don't believe enough.

  7. I believe it is c**p, and I believe the liberals are using this c**p, simply because it's the only c**p they have. They needed some c**p to call their own, so they created this global warming hysterical c**p, knowing that most people will believe it if they see it on their TV.  Did I mention it was c**p?

  8. I think it's really happening.

  9. It is a bunch of c**p. The temperature isn't warming. It is cyclical patterns of weather. The earth warms and cools naturally and there is nothing people can do to change that.   These same people who talk about global warming talked about global cooling in the 1970's. Global warming is all politics. It is a way for democrats to get power and control of American's lives with carbon credits, high taxes, and all the other junk they talk about.

  10. I think its total c**p and lie, but they way you put it is really poorly said...

    But, here's a link :

    I think global warmings a big fat lie and its a political accessory now.

  11. It's still way too early to proclaim that 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' is a fact.  Natural Global Warming has been occuring for the past 10,000+ years to present.  It's the basis for the 'Clovis First Theory' which is scientifically supported for a Bering Land Bridge being available due to Glacial patterns at the time.  We have actual evidence that Glaciars covered much of the Northern Hemisphere and have since receded to current locations.  Does anyone think that maybe there has been Climate Change between now and then of several degrees to produce such a change in the Glaciers?  Watching NGC and other shows to stay abreast of infomation is good, but by the time a show is put together the statements are actually a bit dated.  Reading Scientific Journals and Magazines remain the most recent information available if you can make the time.  It's interesting to note that the Celebrity Champions for Global Warming (or Climate Change if you will) have not made any real efforts to curb their Carbon Footprint that the public can see.  If you feel it's important, then lead by example instead of throwing the real actions needed on the backs of others.

  12. It's not just "warming".

    It's extreme changes!

    Hot and cold.

    Check these out...

  13. I don't think it's c**p, it is genuinely happening and causing changes in our environment.  However, you are correct in that there is evidence that this has happened before and is a naturally occurring part of the earth's progression.  That said, I live on the coast and would be none to happy if the ice caps melted.

  14. Ask the polar bears and the penguins if they think it's a bunch of c**p.  What a selfish attitude you have.  It's not necessarily about it happening RIGHT NOW but what will happen in the years to come to your children, grandchildren, etc.

    Oh, and you live in the mountains of NC?  You may want to read this and maybe educate yourself a little bit about what will happen in your hometown.

  15. i think it's just a bunch of c**p. al gore doen't know the difference between six degrees and global warming. sciencetist are just making up sh** about the "poor" penguins and the "endangered" polar bears just to help save the "enviroment" and BTW our universe will come crashing down either way. so why are people getting all earth-friendly and animal -lovers all of a sudden just because they are afraid of global warming? i dont mind our earth being six degrees warmer. -Jaz

    P.S Our glaciers won't all melt cuz of global warming.

  16. i think your a bunch of c**p and b4 you start cussing people out on here you need to get your facts right.

    dum @$$

  17. No Global warming is not a bunch of B.S. i mean have you seen huriccan katrina , Iam mean that right there is a sign that global warming is not bull s****.

    No disrespect but you got to wake up before earth is just a lifeless planet.

  18. Go ahead.  Think that the earth is flat and the Moon is made of green cheese, if it pleases you.

    What you think doesn't affect the nature of the world one bit.  You truly are insignificant.

  19. For a lot of people along the coastline (Millions and millions) global warming is a serious issue. However, it's not like it's going to happen over nice. If you've seen Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (Which I honestly think is Inconvenient Bullshit) he explains how the sea levels will rise so dramatically.

    If you do some research or read some outside opinions it shows that Gore exaggerated those charts up to 20 times what the EPA's worst case scenario is.

    I do not think that global warming will have nearly the effect that we think it MAY have.

    I'm currently reading Glenn Beck's "An Inconvenient Book" (Love the title, by the way) and I'm on the article about global warming. He says that the amount of emissions that come from cars pale in comparison to the amount that comes from ANIMALS! So even if we cut emissions from cars down 100 percent there would be hardly any effect.

    I don't think there is much we can actually do to prevent global warming..and using governmental procedures to make us "go green" is invasive and wrong if you ask me.

  20. Would you have the same thoughts if you know for sure your children will have children and those children will continue to have children only to end that pattern because you don't care? Think that for a moment!

  21. The heat itself is not the problem.  At six degrees warmer your local trees will be in the wrong climate and the forests around you will die.  You may have a serious drought and have trouble growing crops.  

    If refugees are streaming into the hills looking for food and water.  You may not be as uninvolved as you think.

    Here's the outlook for the Western U.S. from Wyoming to New Mexico to California:

    Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, one of the United States government’s pre-eminent research facilities, remarked that diminished supplies of fresh water might prove a far more serious problem than slowly rising seas.  Chu noted that even the most optimistic climate models for the second half of this century suggest that 30 to 70 percent of the snowpack will disappear. “There’s a two-thirds chance there will be a disaster,” Chu said, “and that’s in the best scenario.”

    Here's what happened during one warming in the past:

    Climate Model Links Warmer Temperatures to Permian Extinction

    "The CCSM indicated that ocean temperatures warmed significantly at higher latitudes because of rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The warmer temperatures reached a depth of about 10,000 feet (4,000 meters), interfering with the normal circulation process in which colder surface water descends, taking oxygen and nutrients deep into the ocean.

    As a result, ocean waters became stratified with little oxygen, proving deadly to marine life. Because marine organisms were no longer removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, that, in turn, accelerated warming temperatures.

    "The implication of our study is that elevated [carbon dioxide] is sufficient to lead to inhospitable conditions for marine life and excessively high temperatures over land would contribute to the demise of terrestrial life," the authors conclude.

    Permian–Triassic extinction event

    Scientists believe that we can still minimize the damage if we act soon, so this time around it doesn't have to come to any apocalyptic end.

  22. You are too pessimistic .Global warming is a concern for all of us!

  23. I agree.

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