
I think global warming is a natural thing, what do you think?

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Throughout history the earth has heated up and cooled down. Volcanos put out as much CO2 in a day as the human race does in a decade. the antartic used to have pam trees and animals and no ice. Yes I know continental drift has a part to play but is it not just an excuse to Tax the voting public again (Yes Liz S I agree with you)




  1. I totally agree.  The behaviour of those who support the theory is very suspicious.

    Take this quote from the former science adivisor to Clinton and Al Gore:

    Scientist’s need “to get some broader based

    support, to capture the public’s imagination...that,

    of course, entails getting loads of media coverage.

    So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make

    simplified dramatic statements, and make little

    mention of any doubts we may have…each of us

    has to decide what the right balance is between

    being effective and being honest."

    Stephen Schneider, Senior Fellow at the Center for Environment Science and Policy of

    the Institute for International Studie, and Professor by Courtesy in the Department of Civil

    and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, Discover Magazine.

    The behaviour of the global warming community is very unscientific. When a person puts out a theory it is the job of other scientist to attack the theory and find faults. That is the way it always works. With global warming, anybody who disputes it, is immediately attacked and his motives are questioned.

    It was well known before the global warming debates of fluctuations in temperatures. These periods were called the medieval warm period (MWP) and little ice age. The MWP was the period of the vikings when they colonized Greenland (more info here )The MWP was a problem to people who tried to prove the theory of man made global warming. How can you say this rise in temperature is unnatural when in the past, we had natural rises in temperatures? How can you also claim of catastrophic changes when such warmings in the past did not?

    So they had to get rid of it, as evidenced by this quote: “With the publication of the article in Science [in 1995], I

    gained significant credibility in the community of scientists

    working on climate change. They thought I was one of

    them, someone who would pervert science in the service of

    social and political causes. So one of them let his guard

    down. A major person working in the area of climate

    change and global warming sent me an astonishing email

    that said “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm


    Source: Presentation by S McIntyre At Conference Stockholm Sweden, September 9 2006

    Shortly afterwards they came out with what became known as the hockey stick graph. Also used in Al Gore's film. This eliminated the MWP and little ice age and showed temperatures the same for 1000 years with a huge spike in the 20th Century. This is a huge perversion of science. You do not need scientific data, when historical data shows the existence of the MWP.

    In the scientific community, whenever some one comes up with a ground breaking result, it is hugely scrutinized by their colleagues. This never happened with the hockey stick graph. It was accepted because it agreed with the dogma.

    The hockey stick graph was such an egregious attempt at rewriting the historical record that two Canadians, Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, to the extent they were able, analysed the data and methodology use by Mann and came to the conclusion that the algorithms used by him produced hockey sticks, regardless of the input data.

    The issue was brought to the attention of US Congressman Joe Barton, then Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He wrote to Dr Mann and asked him to make his data and methodology available for scrutiny by other scientists, and was attacked in the most ferocious terms by the anthropogenist scientific establishment for doing so.

    Undeterred, Chairman Barton asked Professor Edward J. Wegman of George Mason University, regarded as the doyen of computational statistics in the US, to review the hockey stick. Dr Wegman secured the cooperation of two other leading statisticians, and independently they analysed what Michael Mann and his colleagues had done. Their conclusions were damning:

    "In our further exploration of the social

    network of authorships in temperature

    reconstruction, we found that at least 43

    authors have direct ties to Dr. Mann by

    virtue of coauthored papers with him. Our

    findings from this analysis suggest that

    authors in the area of paleoclimate studies

    are closely connected and thus

    ‘independent studies’ may not be as

    independent as they might appear on the study"

    Then you have Chris Landsea's report on how the United Nation's IPCC mislead the public on the incidence of Hurricanes and how the notion of global warming increasing hurricanes was that one one man, and not the decision reached by the experts.

    I can go on and on, but given such behaviour why should I trust the global warming community?  If they are willing to manipulate one set of data, what other data have they also manipulated?

  2. yes, there is an historical record of the changes in the earth's climate over many thousands of years. it has always been gradual enough to allow plant and animal species to adapt and evolve.  the current increase has happenned just since the start of the industrial revolution. mankind has managed to do, in just a couple hundred years, what took nature tens of thousands

  3. I think it is true because milion and milion years ago the weather was very colder than now and most of animals didnt live that times . but  when tempreature increased most of animal died and now we use from phossil of them. then other animals were born. if tempereature increases the weak peaple and animal die and others can live and improve the live

  4. It 95% of scientists say we're making it worse, I believe them

  5. i think global warming is directly caused by excess co2 production of the burning of fossil fuels by humans.

  6. I think it's a natural cycle, but we are nurturing it.  

    Global warming shouldn't be happening at the fast pace rate that is happening now.  Pollution does contribute.

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