
I think harvey dent's alive?

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here's why. He said you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. harvey wasn't a hero. he became a villain. I think he will be in the third batman. twoface is way 2 important 2 kill in 30 minutes.




  1. The man who played Harvey Dent has confirmed that he is, in fact, dead.

  2. I believe he is too. He'll be in the next one.

  3. sound like a plan

  4. Aaron Eckhart confirmed himself that Two Face is dead. Hes important yes but, hes dead. Dead dead.

  5. don't know

  6. On July 23, 2008, Aaron Eckhart said he would return for a sequel to The Dark Knight if asked, although he later confirmed that he is not signed on for another Batman film and that his character is currently considered dead by Chris Nolan.

  7. Sorry to burst your bubble, but according to Christopher Nolan, Two-Face is in fact, dead.  Aaron Eckhart was interviewed recently and he said that he would love to return, but when he mentioned the possibility of Two-Face surviving, Nolan kept cutting him off, saying simply..."You're Dead" (meaning Two-Face).  Nolan also stated to Eckhart that the series is strong enough where they don't need to bring back a villain more than once.

    I'm pretty bummed by that as I was hoping he would survive.  Eckhart's Two-Face was great.  Who knows? Maybe Nolan will change his mind in the future.

    Also, I've heard throughout the web that "Batman 3" will possibly contain Catwoman, The Riddler, and perhaps Harley Quinn.  Newspapers also state that Angelina Jolie is interested in playing Catwoman, and Johnny Depp is interested in playing The Riddler.  Only time will tell.

  8. dead. read the other answers man. and watch the old school cartoons. dead! but i wish he would come back to life because harvey dent was so amazing.

  9. yeah its been confirmed that hes dead for sure

  10. I Believe In Harvey Dent

  11. yea and remember when batman pushed the guy off the building and he said the fall wouldn't kill him and batman was counting on that, hes alive. and when harvey fell off with batman the coin landed on heads

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