
I think have radiation posiing?

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i had like ten 12 x rays of my teeth for a tooth abcess that the edodontist had to do while working on the infection then 2 days later i had a CT SCAN OF MY NECK then a few days later a x ray of my sinuses then a week later a x ray of my chest then 3 weeks late ANOTHER CT SCAN OF MY NECK and a MRI OF MY BRAIN can i have radition posining and hwat er the symptoms i FEELING BURNING ON MY NECK SKIN REALLY BAD!!!! AND I FEEL SO TIRED NO ENERGY HELP!!~!!! a piece of my skull bone feels deteriorated i feel like death




  1. smoking a pack of cigarettes a day gives you as much as an xray.

    those people will die of lung cancer, but not due to xray radiation.

    same for you. i had chest xrays every week for about 4 months, and im still normal.

    but hyperchondirasm will get you far in life. to the doctors surgery anyway.

  2. ok first MRI's do not use radiation. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. it uses magnets. Second there and many things that the burning could be. it could just be an allergic reaction to some drug the doctor gave to you, it could be paranoia, or you are dying of radiation poisoning. it is pretty hard to get radiation poisioning but not no impossible. The only thing i'll say is if your hair is falling out you should be worried but until then don't annoy the rest of us with hypocondriatic complaints.

  3. you don't have radiation poisoning. look up teh symptoms.

    the amount of xrays these procedures ranges from nil (mri) to very little (all the others).

  4. Are you getting nose bleeds for no reason, is your hair starting to fall out, do you have trouble keeping your food down, do you get dizzy spells followed by nausea and vomiting, i doubt you have radiation poisoning but go see a specialist if your that worried.

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