
I think he loves me but why is he so afraid to really say it?

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We are both in college and he is a great guy. We have been together for a little over a year. I have never felt this way with anyone else. I am his first girlfriend, first kiss, first everything, but if he wouldn't have told me this, I never would have known. He's a great guys and seems to always be good at knowing what I like (sexually, and nonsexually) He's very intelligent, but he is a very ..."different" person. If there's a bug in my house he'd rather just grab it and put it outside then kill it and throw it in the trash. He likes jazz and classic rock but he will find something to appreciate in every kind of music. He never fights with people or throws words around at them. If someone did yell at him he would most likely look at them, think about what to do, and leave them standing there. He is not someone who conforms to society and he ALWAYS thinks things through and over and over before he does them. He's unsure as to what religion he believes in or follows but his morals are so much above most peoples it's fascinating. I love him, he has told me in his own way that he loves me, he has told me that he wants to be with me forever and that I'm the one for him. He is very commited to me and loves to make me happy. He always appreciates when I make him his favorite meal or when I do little things for him. He is exactly what I want and need in a man. He talks about our future together and how he wants to raise our kids and take them hunting and teach them the importance of life... He has never been shy about telling me all of this..

So why won't he tell me "I love you" ??




  1. The easiest thing to say is I love You when you are in love. sorry.

  2. Hi

    As a guy that is currently in a very similar position as your bf interms of the relationship, it's not easy for us to say the blunt term. I want to, and I know she'd love to hear it, but it's a huge step and leaves a guy more vulnerable than he's ever been. I know I'll say it one day.

    My advice is wait for it. He clearly loves you. When he finally does say that phrase to you, you'll know it wasn't easy for him and that he truly means it :)

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