
I think hillary is a witch, do you?

by  |  earlier

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she looks like one, was born in october and has that creepy her long nose and voice.




  1. Quit being so mean to witches!

  2. no, but i know that she laughs like a witch.

  3. no i think your mean though

  4. never seen her broom,does she know how to use one? ?

  5. no, a rather foolish question.

  6. Intolerant *****, leave the Wiccans alone!

  7. whose afraid of larry sinclair?

  8. She does not look like a witch.  

    She is an attractive older woman and she looks pretty good on camera.  Better than mcCain and a bunch of other old donkeys.

    Where's your picture?  Bet you're some old Neocon horse face man.  Right, Karl?

  9. I know a few witches.  Your description is incredibly off base.

    Besides, I've never heard anything to suggest that Sen. Clinton is an adherent of the Church of Wicca... not that it would really matter.  Is this just an attempt to respond to the "Obama is a muslim" trolls?

  10. i think you need to shut up...

  11. I agree, but I think she is also a word that rhymes with witch....

  12. I was born in October and I'm not a witch.

    But then this just smacks of stereotyping and judging on looks, not personality.

    Shame on you-- I hope you vote according to more than those shallow ideals.

  13. No. How do you even know what a witch looks like? I'm not a Wiccan or  a H"R"C supporter. She's just a politician.

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