
I think hillary whooped obamys butt latest debate. He was fumbling an mumbling and couldnt keep up with the?

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hillary bomb. also i think edwards is manevering in for the VP spot. any1 agree wit me?




  1. I think the problem with Obama is he fumbles when asked a question outright. He's a great speaker but being a speaker does not make a great leader. I give this one to Hillary as well as she is the most informed on the happenings I feel. I also believe Edwards is trying for V. P. and has some good things to say.

  2. Sorry...

    hillary is so scared of Obama,

    She seems so smug and never shows respect to people.....

    She knows Obama is more popular and more inspiring....and needs to break him down through dirty tricks and minor details.........a sure sign of desperation

  3. Obama does hesitate to think about his answers while Hillary is very rehearsed. At least Obama is truthful. I think Hillary came off mean spirited and looked sort of sinister. Edwards is a brilliant debater with accurate facts. Hillary tends to lie then tries to spin her way out of it.

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