
I think humans are responsible for accelerated climate change but I just don't care. Is it just me?

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helper: what difference does it make whether humans die out or not?




  1. for most of you:  

    got any kids?  

    gonna have any kids?

    or are all of you Jonathan Swift fans?

    quite clearly, the "i don't care" attitude is popular these days.

    tax cuts, financed by deficits, is stealing from your children.

    but it's okay, they owe you, i guess.

    so what's one more debt.

    one might keep in mind that the problem in Darfur is likely the result of global warming.

    that's 200,000 to 400,000 dead in one country.

    but who cares, it's not us.

    it's not here.

    they probably deserved it anyway.

    there's too many of 'em -- maybe it's a good thing.

    what was Reagan's line, "when your neighbor looses his job, it's a recession, when you lose yours, it's a depression."

    it's only your neighbor, it'll be fine.

  2. I will not take part in making it happen, but I am fit and healthy and I think I may actually live to see it happen.  What a trip of a life time.  The planet will do many other things too and I could live to see that too.  However, I like the other sentient being on this planet so I will do and say whatever I can to preserve it.  Good planets are hard to find.

  3. Yes it is a con, you have been conned. It is only you who believes .


  4. No, it's not just you. There are lots of people who know that humans are the cause for global warming, but just don't care or do anything to help stop it. Thankfully, I am not one of them. I know it's humans fault that there are more green house gasses in the atmosphere, but i'm one of those people that actually DOES something about it. Because you don't do anything or work for change, you are hurting future generation. Unless people work to end global warming, humans WILL die out. So basically, you're contributing to human exticintion. In about 50 years, if humans don't do anything, I'd guess that humans won't be alive anymore.

    Still feel like you "just don't care" anymore?

  5. when you grow up youll see why you should care

  6. the flip side of 'rights' is 'responsibility'.

    you cant expect one without the other.

    i care, for the principle of it, yes evolution will sort it out in the end, there have been mass extinctions before, and the world will develop a new balance and new flora and fauna, that is not the point.

    neither is 'doing it for the kids' ! i'm not so selfish that i need an incentive like  my own personal genetic survival in order to do the right thing! i have done my bit for the planet by refraining from breeding.

  7. No your not alone. Personally i don't think that humans are responsible.

    Alot of people care, but just don't bother to do anything about 'Global Warming'.

    Alot of other people don't care because by the time 'Global Warming' becomes really bad they plan to have departed this earth =[].

    So no your not aone.

  8. If you care about the world and the next generation... perhaps you will change your mentality.

  9. im with u man who cares by the time global warming or watever happens well probaly be dead

  10. You should care about if humans die out or they continue to survive. if you don't care about the world, and you contribute to global warming, you will take this world away from those who do. One day you'll understand, just like i did.

  11. Wow, im 19 and I cant believe people are so ignorant about stuff like this.  Its obvious how are we not the cause.  Since the industrial revolution the avg. global temp goes up.  Come on put 2 and 2 together.

  12. because ur too young to realize how global warming is affecting our life.

  13. I don't believe humans are responsible, but i do care as the gov should be helping us to prepare for what may happen rather than blaming us and charging us for it, we're so not going to be prepared if or when it happens

    EMT-B - Brilliant!

  14. Well, I DON'T think we're responsible for any of that nonsense and I don't believe it's anything other that natural occurrences, but more importantly, I COULDN'T CARE LESS!

    All this nonsense about "carbon footprints" and global warning is simply a way for governments (and that bloke Livingstone & Co of London) to get money out of us in the form of "taxes" aimed at "alleviating" all of what, as far as I am concerned, is a load of old tosh ! ! !

    To add insult to injury on the part of the do-gooders, it turns out that that great hole in the ozone layer has closed up. MY WORD, WHAT A SURPRISE, IT SAYS HERE......

  15. well, maybe it doesn't make a difference at all. but do you know 150 species of animals dies EVERY DAY because of it? do you find that right in any way?

    no, that is not survival of the fittest. if there was a flood due to natural causes and a certain type of rabbit died out because of it, that's survival of the fittest. if humans accelerate climate change b/c they're too stupid to regulate CO2 emissions and the rest of the world suffers b/c of it it isn't survival of the fittest. it's completely unnatural.

  16. If you care about future generations, then you should care about global warming.

  17. good lad, I don't give a toss about it either

  18. There is no way a person can really do anything to stop global warming. There is tons of Co2 that comes from the oceans naturally, there is no difference if you have a light or 2 on or off.

    Its all a lie..

    For example they say the Ice will melt and we  will all get flooded. But hang on the Ice caps are 90% Ice. and 90% of that is already in the water, rember Tittantic and the ice berg, 1/10 is only above the water, so even if it did all melt, the oceans WILL NOT RISE.. Do some recearch on land mass and Ice.. Its all intersting..

  19. Oh god your such a smooth risk taker!

  20. what can we do

    the government has let all the good jobs go to china.

    and the illegal take many of the others.

    plus the economy has tanked.

    the banks and home lenders are ripping everyone off.

    most middle income families can not afford to buy green cars.

    and the low income retired and disabled will never be able to

    most of these people can not afford to put solar panel on there homes

    many can just make there house payments.

    nether party has the slightest clue what to do just to fix what is wrong now, what do you think they will do about global warming.

    i know what they will do they will take it out on the people that live in the US.

    give it a few years and they will tax us to the end.

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