
I think i'm a quitter?

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I've been a vegetarian for 4 days now, and it's been kinda easy. But just now, I'm starting to think about how much I miss and will miss meat. I know some lomg time vegetarians might not understand, but it's really hard for me. I know it sounds like I'm contradicting myself [kinda easy...really hard], but I feel...weird. I became a vegetarian in the first place because I think it is extremely cruel how the animals are treated. But I want meat so bad!

So basically, my question is, are there any vegetarians out there that didn't have enough will power, or that were like me and made it anyway. If you did PLEASE HELP!!!

Thank you so much in advance




  1. If you go vegetarian, make sure you contact a dietician first so that you know how to avoid any nutritional deficiencies ( you can get very sick! )  Also, I eat organic foods ( vegetables, meat's and such) because I know they are raised humanely and with no weird chemicals.

    Vegetables also come from the seeds of other vegetables (parents).  Those are dying and rotting as well once you remove it from the ground.  

    But I am serious about the nutritional deficiency thing, there are some nutrients you can only get from eating meat, and if you don't get it you can get very sick or even die if this goes long term.  I'm not saying eat meat, I'm just saying get some vitamin pills so you don't get sick, because you are clearly gonna go vegetarian.

  2. I'm a vegetarian too. its really hard for the first three weeks, but then it gets easier. there are meatless meat in stores in the frozen section, they have vegan chicken nuggets, vegan burgers and stuff. its really good. so that helps if you still miss the meat.

  3. im a vegeterian too its been really hard for me too i've been one for 3 months and im starting too wonder about it too

  4. Hello, I had the same problem 15 years ago. So I decided to skip all red meats but still eat chicken and fish (a good compromise for me). I am not sure if this would work for you or not, but it did for me. I have not had red meat in 15 years. Good luck, Simo

  5. Of course we understand!  Most vegetarians grow up eating meat and have to get over the desire for it.  Our disgust for what animals go through overrides our desire for the taste and texture, which can be reasonably created in plant foods.  There are tons of analogues out there, and you can also make your own seitan, a fabulous subtitute made from wheat gluten.  Many vegan online retailers also offer a few analogues.

    Here are some websites for you:,,

    If you Google vegetarian starter guide, you will find many organizations that offer them.  Many VSGs have a few simple recipes in the back and will give you examples of veggie "meats" that you can eat.

    Good luck!

  6. Ive been a vegetarian for almost four years and sometimes i STILL long to eat a philly cheesesteak with my dad and brothers.

    But I just tell myself no and go eat something else.

    There are these delicious 'chiken' nuggets that they sell in just about every super market.

    I think the brand is Smart Choice?

    Anyway, Give them A try. Tasty I SWEARRRRR!

  7. Just think of the animals!!!! What is a higher priority to you--the fact that the animals are being intensely reared in disgusting, inhumane conditions and then brutally slaughtered, or the fact that you're craving a burger?

    Come on, if that is too difficult for you to answer, then clearly you can't love animals as much as you say you do.

    Bare in mind that a single vegetarian saves approx 90 animals a year. SO basically, you're just killing a load of animals if you continue eating meat.

    But then thats up to you, isn't it?

  8. I've been a Vegetarian for about a week...It's somewhat easy...My parents and friends are big meat eaters...So try not to quit...If it's hard then just try sometime else.

  9. I've been a vegetarian for approximately 10 days..

    There's only been one time, so far, that I almost gave up and ate meat, but I stuck to what I thought was right, and i didn't eat the meat.

    It's gotten a little bit easier now, but I have to watch videos on the cruelty to stay motivated.

  10. Good for you - vegetarianism is sold to us as being terribly healthy - it really isn't.  You can end up malnourished unless you work like a dog to figure out how to get enough protein and fat.

    But that doesn't mean you have to go eat gigantic joints of meat dripping with fat either.  You can have a mouthful for dinner with lots of green leafy vegetables.  Meat goes a long ways as it has about everything in it you need in the amounts you need.   Think of our ancient ancestors who probably got along on field mice quite  lot - just tiny bits of meat.  Of course once in a while they'd catch a reindeer and then they'd eat like kings for a few days.

  11. vegatarian usually dont have most of the need protein and material that is good

  12. wow 4 days! hardcore

    people (should) stop eating meat because they dont want to eat meat - (well usually) its not done as some sort of penance or anything and shouldnt be a struggle. if you want to eat meat do so - if you dont, dont. i havent eaten meat for 17 yrs or something and its no biggie. if i wake up tomorrow and want to eat meat i will.

    im not doing it to be morally superior or anything like some of the freakzoids out there and i dont want a medal for it - its a personal choice.

  13. um  meat alternatives, i don't really think i've missed meat at all really.

    Just make a lot of veggie substitutes of what you miss...

    like wonton soup... soooo good.

    get veggie ground round and you can have tacos, hamburger helper.. so many things:D

    have fun!


  14. My family was vegetarian. And I never had meat. They were vegetarians from before I was born. So one day when I was six I couldn't resist and ate some steak. It was delicious! I've not been vegetarian ever since. But I still love animals. Hope this helps!

  15. If being a vegetarian were easy, it would not be the morally correct choice.  All morally correct choices involve sacrifice.  Perhaps you are not ready to make this one.

    It's not a matter of willpower.  That to me is like saying, "I know it's wrong to rape women, but it just FEELS so good!  I don't want to have to give that up."

    Too bad.  If we all just did what felt good or what was easy, then we'd all be morally and spiritually bankrupt.

  16. I did the same thing .. I though I could live with out meat and it is hard I am not a big meat eater but I guess if you cant have something you miss it .. I only eat meat one day a week now.. it helps me a lot

  17. I'm having the same problem- except i went vegan lol. It's been a month now, and i'm ready to kill somebody for a slice of cheese lol. But I figure if by giving up some foods i can save animals lives than thats what i need to do. even if it sucks and i've never wanted pizza so bad in my life! lol. Its frustrating but worth it. kinda. : )

  18. well you ll go through those times when you wanna give into your cravings just cause its what your body has been used to and you have to reprogram your mind and tell it no more and that this way of living is better for you

    get some vegetarian friends to help you out

    get vegetarian recipe books

  19. im not vegetarian srry but my friend gets meeat flavored soup (artificial) and she sais that it helps

  20. going veghead was really easy for me, but i just recently went vegan and i can relate with you, how you just want to go eat that bowl of ice cream, and how you know you'll never know that flavor again, but seriously think of all the animals your saving, think about why your doing this, watch some peta videos that always gets my strength up again,

    i know its tough but what means more the lives of those animals or just a momentary taste in your mouth?

    go buy some mock meat, explore the veghead/vegan world of food, it has some very satisfying foods :)

  21. I understand, it can be hard in the beginning. Try not to focus so much on what you're giving up. Instead, think about all the new, exciting foods that you're discovering. Many vegetarians find that a whole new world of flavors opens up to them once they do some exploring.

    Ethnic restaurants have tons of options... try Indian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern places. Even places like Johnny Rockets and Burger King sell veggie burgers these days!!

    The fake meats really help... you can use them instead of meat in your favorite meals and recipes. Here's a list of popular fake meats:

    Also, here's one of my favorite recipes... vegetarian fried "chicken":

    (I use Morningstar Farms Meal Starters Chik'n Strips for the fake chicken)

    It also helps to watch videos of factory farms and slaughterhouses to remind yourself why you're vegetarian. A powerful video is Meet Your Meat,

    I hope this helps!

  22. I felt weak once or twice, but never weak enough to eat meat.  I thought about it and realized I would probably puke and cry if I ate meat.

    Then I went to and I felt renewed again.  Don't let your good deeds go to waste.  The animals need you to not let them down.  You have made it work this long.  Chances are if you eat meat again you will only be able to think of the poor animals...and your health...and the environment.

    Don't give up on yourself or the animals.  Find new foods, make a new exciting recipe.  Maybe you are just getting bored...but please don't mistake boredom for wanting to cause suffering again.

  23. I have been a vegetarian for about a year and I constantly crave meat and consider 'going back'. You've been eating meat all your life, so it can be a hard habit to  kick. A vegan friend of mind turned me on the vegan riblets (in the freezer section at Publix). I know it sounds crazy and almost totally unbelievable but they are actually pretty good and although they are junk food, I eat them when I'm craving meat.

  24. I am just starting also, have been vegetarian for a week now. :) Except I am making it. To get there, you just need to push your self. Have you tried all the other alternatives to meat, like the soy burgers?

  25. Why would vegetarians not understand?  Most of us, l at one point or another, ate meat.  Some of us really liked it.

    I found that reinforcing my ethical stance really helped me abstain from meat, eggs, and dairy.  After watching this film, I never wanted to touch animal flesh/secretions ever again:

    Best of luck!
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