
I think i'm depressed... but i just can't talk to anyone?

by  |  earlier

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This is embarrassing to say because it seems that people who say it and bring it up are just looking for attention.

i dont know.

I'm always sad.. or upset especially lately.

and i get the tiniest things get under my skin.

I'm constantly tired and sleep ALOT.

I work really hard to pay attention in school but before i kno it i've drifted off.

I cry for nearly no reason.

sometimes i have conflicting feelings.

i will feel that i am better off without my friends,

but i'll feel betrayed and forgotten when they do things without me.

it just sucks because the last time i tried to talk to my parents about they thought i was being ridiculous.

i cant tell anybody because theyll think i'm being stupid..

i'm really just not sure what to do at this point.

i don't want it to get too far.




  1. i believe its a phase that  almost all people go through.. especialy teens

    i went through something similar..

    what helps me  is getting into something that i feel passionate about

    start a campaign about some controversial topic..

    or  go out and engoy a hobby

    do something productive

    something that keeps you busy

  2. i'm in almost the same situation. i plan to talk to my school guidance councilor, and letting it go from there. but i also get help from talking to people online, as foolish as that sounds. if you want to talk about it, email me. hope i can help

  3. u need someone to talk to im me

  4. You should not be afraid. talk to a counselor or a doctor about it. they will help you. I was just like you. I kept everything to myself until it go to far. anxiety attack used to come every time i set alone. It was the worst thing I ever faced. The best thing to do is to talk about it. Do not let it go to far. The best advice when you start to get it, get up and move around, go to a cold place and try not to think about it because when you think about it, it will come.

    I hope that will help you...

  5. i would try to see a social worker or a psychiatrist.  speak to someone  who can give you an educated opinion.  these videos can give you some information about depression from the privacy of your home.  don't let this fester, get help.    

  6. Sometimes I feel that way to. But really the best thing to do IS to talk to someone! Really! Just have confidence! Just say, "You know how I tol you how I felt sad all the time earlier, well, it's really not going away, do you think I could maybe look into getting an anti-deppressant?" You could talk to your friend or your parents and guess what? it's NOT your fault that you feel this way all the time! It's a chemical imbalance in the brain! NO NEED to feel ashamed of something you totally can't help. and the only people in the world who need to know are your parents. YOU CAN DO IT!:)

    Also, good for you for even putting this on yahoo answers before it got to far. There is help!

  7. i hadd the same exact problem.. i talked to a docotr about it  and it deffinelly mad it better... i suggest you do the same

  8. You're not alone. I was diagnosed with bipolar depression as well as obsessive compulsive disorder. Before my diagnosis no one would have imagined that I suffered the way I did. It's important that you get the message across to your parents clearly and in detail. There is no one more capable of connecting you to a help source than your parents. It's important that you see a psychologist to sort your core issues out. Clearly here are underlying problems that you need to dig out and identify. You WILL get through these times.

    On a side note, there is nothing RIDICULOUS about the causes of depression. For some people it can be small faults in their physical apperances (believe it or not, it's called body dysmorphia).

  9. You need to talk to someone. Even if it is on a hotline or something... Search for hotlines in your area and see what you get. Also, if you're in school, go to the counselor. It's free in school and it will help you a lot to get things off your chest. Seriously.. don't just mull in your own thoughts or it definitely will just get worse. You have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed... You know yourself better than anyone else and if you feel like something is wrong you need to do something about it. Take care and God bless.

  10. email me.. I'm also in depression

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