
I think i'm going to quit my job??

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They put me on more than anyone else and i'm the second youngest person there.

they don't listen to me when i want days off for SCHOOL.

they weren't going to give me the days off i needed for band camp and i had to have my mom call and demand the days.

I'm only 15 and i work as a waitress.

This is only my first job and it's been a living h**l.

Should i quit or give it some time?




  1. How many hours are they having you work? I know in most states it is illegal to have a minor work more than 20 hours a week that is currently in school, If they are and are still not going to give you days off, I'd report them.  

  2. Why are they scheduling you more than others?  Are you that much better?  If that's the case, then you should be quitting this job and finding someone else who can work with your schedule.  At 15, you have just learned a good lesson about the work world:  Not everyone can or is willing to work in your best interest.  Focus on finding work that will allow you to focus on school.  At 15, school should be your full time job.

  3. They're taking advantage of you because you are not legally allowed to work and probably paying you under the table.  The more you work, the less they have to show and report to the govt.  This happened to me at my first job when I was 16/17, and I figured it out.  They wouldn't let me off for school, a doctor appointment, and hesitated to let me off for a prearranged trip for school in Denver where I competed nationally.  They didn't want to let me off for Prom, so that morning, I walked in and quit without giving them a two weeks notice (it's legal in IL).  They were calling for me back, and then I reported them to the Better Business Bureau for the tax withholding and for other stuff they did (not giving me full legal breaks but taking it out of my checks, hiring me and paying me under the table as well as their other employees, etc. )

    Quit and find another job!  You don't deserve it.

  4. Quit that c**p..... if they aren't going to work with your school schedule then get outta there. Your only 15, they shouldn't be like that with you.

  5. yah should quit your job!


    quit it




  6. You can quit but if you don't it will be a good lesson in how to stand up for yourself.

    Give your manager a written list of when you are available to work.

    Have him or her sign off on it, that is one copy for you and one for them and they sign your copy so you will be able to back up that they accepted your availability.

    When the schedule is posted, if they schedule you outside the time you submitted to them, don't get angry, just calmly remind them you are not available.

    They may give you less shifts because of it but you will then have time to look for another job.

    You will have many jobs in your life and learning how to deal with jerks in management is always tough but well worth the effort in the long run.

    Good Luck!

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