
I think i'm really ugly =[ (pic.)?

by  |  earlier

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I think I am extremely ugly. People tell me different but, idk. What do you think? Tell the truth please. (:




  1. dumb question your pretty,  

  2. no your not ugly.. your actually kinda cute.. and besides like what the little prince said.. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. ;-)

  3. You look like an average teen nothing special.  

  4. h**l no your not ugly!!

  5. You should never call yourself ugly, no one should!

    You've probably heard this a lot but everyone is beautiful in their own way, on the inside and out! Have self confidence, and always be optimistic! That all sounded really cheesy, but its true!

    Cheers! :)


  7. you look pretty confident in your pictures for someone who thinks they're ugly...

  8. look like my girlf friend when she was 15...

  9. no not ulgy at all what makes you think that

  10. your not ugly . not listen to what to people say .

  11. How many times do you need to hear that you're pretty?  If you really thought you were ugly you wouldn't post pictures on myspace... P.S. you have a big nose.

  12. I cant see the picture (its not showing up, just myspace, homepage)

    but sweetie if you keep yourself slim (NOT skinny) and make the most of yourself you have nothing to worry about. wear make up to emphasize the bits you love - let that be eyes, lips, freckles, cute dimples... whatever. have fun with colour. always wear mascara and a little pink blush. if you have no eyebrows, fill them in with a  light brown pencil with light, feathery strokes. if your lips are small wear gloss and use 'cupid's bow' by Benefit. If you have small eyes wear lots of curling mascara and use lash curling tongs. wear a white, shimmery eyeshadow in the inner corners of your eyes. always smile. get at leats 8 hours sleep and walk with your head held high. You will always be beautiful.

    c xxxxxxxx

  13. if you think you're so ugly, why do you have so many pictures of yourself?

    you're just looking for compliments because you don't actually think you're ugly.

    you're just VAIN.

  14. Beauty is more than outward appearance, hun. You're cute, though.

  15. you're okay, not extremely pretty, but  not extremely ugy.

    i think you are more on the prettier side though :]

  16. define beauty...we are all different and all have different preferences of what we think is ugly or not. sounds like youve got a self esteem problem.

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