
I think i'm starting to hate college...?

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I go to an art college. It's barely been the first few days, but i already feel that i'm starting to hate it normal? is it something you experience when you barely begin college due to the pressure of adapting to such a new environment? I am used to tons of hard work, but i dont think that it is that that is making me unhappy....I am worried that I might have chosen to go to the wrong college =(

What do i do now?




  1. It's only been a few days and in those first days you really have nothing to do. Give it a week or so and see if things change.

  2. Honestly, college take an adjustment period of a few weeks. You havn't given your school much of a chance yet. Go to classes and events with an open mind for the next few weeks and then make a judgement about it. If it turns out you still don't like it, then you can transfer out at the end of the semester and find a college that better suits your interests.

  3. You may have chosen the wrong school. I'm only a junior in high school but have long search for my right school, and have long found it ( Michigan State University ) Any other school... I may very well be in your situation. I would recommand for you to think why do you dislike the school so much? Maybe your just homesick ( if your away from home) or still trying to get use to the college life. If this still bothers you so much down the road where you cant handle it anymore at the end of the marking period start looking for a new school so you can transfer for the new semester. If its okay but still prefer a different school you may be able to stay a bit longer for a year or two and transfer.  

  4. Give it time. I'm on my third year and there are STILL days when I absolutely hate it, but most of the time it's amazing and you'll never have another experience like it. Good luck!

  5. I feel the same way. I don't know anyone and people look at you weird because you're alone and have no friends. I guess I'm gonna have to try to make some new friends. As for you, give your college a couple weeks, there has to be a reason you chose an art college. Do your art if that makes you happy.

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