
I think i've found a cure for the common cold.?

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a doctor committed malpractice against me. and his colleagues perpetuated it, almost killing me. i now have copd. from malpractice. when i catch a cold it never stays a cold. it always turns into bronchitis or pneumonia. i was a patient at world renowned national jewish center for respiratory and immunological disorders in denver, colorado for four years, as an outpatient.they thoroughly educate all their patients about their medical problems. but i still would get pneumonia or bronchitis from every cold. i started learning about vitamins and supplements. for most of my life i pooh poohed it. but , after all, modern medicine is only 200 years old. people have been healing with plants, vitamins and herbs since prehistory..

after seven years of trials i first had to get the candida albicans out of my system the doctor put into me with an injection. i listened to doug kaufmann of the your health channel. i did what he suggested. it took two bottles of caprylic acid,which i bought from the vitamin catalog. from the doctor i got a two week supply of diflucan and a month supply of nystatin. i added probiotic acidophilus, multi enzyme formula, psyllium husk caps, chickweed, all to cleanse my colon and restabilize the ph levelthat too many antibiotics knocked out of shape. i'm immune to many antibiotics now including power hitter antibiotics. because of the candida albicans in my system, when i caught a cold it would linger, ane i would suffer. it took two super power hitters of antibiotics at the same time to begin helping me. i had to go around wearing a pick line in my arm, in case i needed emergency steriod i'v's. finally i got the idea to ask my doctor about the possibility that candida albicans was the cause. i talked him into diflucan. within two days i began to heal. this was a few years before i began experimenting with vitamins and herbs. after i got rid of the candida albicans, i started the regimen to cleanse my colon. but i got tired of having to go to the emergency ward every time i got a cold. and the $50.00 copays were murder on my finances. within the last four years i think i've got the cure. here it is:

4,500mg. vitamin c

2- 400 i.u of vitamin e.

2- 8,000 iu of vitamin a

3- 200mcgs. selenium.

a potent 75 vitamin with chelated minerals

do this in the morning, but must be done as soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold. drink plenty of water abd stay away from caffeine. it is a diuretic. in the evening take another 4,500 mgs of vitamin c. i will not promise this to work on every cold, but given my history, it should help a good many people. but you must take these as soon as you feel a cold coming on. if you wait until the cold get a firmer hold on you, you must take this regimen every day until the cold is gone.

IT DOESN NOT WORK ON THE FLU but i stock up in august, during the dog days of summer. also key to knocking out the cold, with this regimen, you should, ideally, shut down and stay in bed for the day, if you can. if you cannot, on cold days bundle up well. stay away from chills. and avoid stress as much as possible. drink plenty of water. nothing better has come around for me. when you can't breathe, nothing matters. i simply got tired of felling like that. i hope this can help some people. maybe not all, as everyone's systems are different, but it should help many others.




  1. While the vitamins may help, I'm pretty sure it is not a cure for the common cold. The common cold mutates pretty quickly, so for there to be one cure for all the strains is unlikely, and has yet to be discovered. While not a medicinal cure, your immune system will take care of the cold eventually.

  2. First of all, a cold is not a disease, it is commonly misinterpreted as a disease although it is your body's reaction to its surroundings.

  3. I have to stop you in your tracks without even reading further - COPD can only be suffered by people who smoke or who have been smokers in the past.

    Some may say that they have COPD and have never smoked in their lives, however the problem in their case is most likely Limited Airway Entry which is irreversible but can be well controlled.

    You most certainly haven't got COPD from even the worse case of malpractice!

    However Im pleased you have found a cause for the common cold, now you will save the NHS millions and they will be able to pay you the compensation 10 times over!!

  4. The cold is not something you cure, rather you treat or prevent it. It's like a condition rather than a disease.

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