
I think i've had a miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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well, i'm supposed to be 17 weeks pregnant, but a couple of weeks ago (the 13th to be exact) i felt a strange cramping feeling and then woke up bleeding the next morning. it was moderate and there were clots, but it stopped after a couple of hours. that and i have no pregnancy symptoms that are apparent any more. i haven't seen a doctor. anyone know any more on the subject? i'd really appreciate it.




  1. OMG if you are this far pregnant and had this happen, why have you not seen a doctor???  You need to see one asap, no one on here can tell you if you miscarried, only a doc can after a examination.  I wish you best of luck, and I hope it turns out the way you want it too.  

  2. are you sure you were 17 weeks since you havent seen a doctor and you should go and see one right away also pregnancy symptoms come and go it sounds like it could have been a miscarriage but there is no guarantee until you GO TO THE DOCTOR you should really be checked  

  3. why haven't you seen a doctor??? you should not be bleeding, especially with clots. You could've had one. You need to go and get checked out. Why did you wait til now to say something about it?

  4. I would definitely see a doctor. it sounds like you may have. That happened to my friend

  5. why were you not seen by a doctor--you need to get examined asap. if you did miscarry, and you have done nothing to check it out, a terrible infectin could occur. when i miscarried i was in severe pain and the passing of clots was terrible, how could you not seek treatment. get medical care now dear. cause if you did miscarry, you need to have an exam and an u/s to see if everything passed on its own. mine did not therefore i had to have a d&c done. if left untreated you risk serious side effects/infection and possible feritility loss. get treated at once.

  6. I think you did miscarry. Go to the doctor!

  7. I hate to tell you but that sounds like a miscarriage. I had two. Bleedin' 'n crampin' are ur two main signs.. and blood clots. Those definently aren't good. U need to get urself to a hospital or doctor asap because a DNC is usually required. U could lose a lot of blood, usually depends. Sounds like ur at the beginning of a miscarriage tho. Go get checked!

  8. It may be possible but from experience when you have a miscarriage the pain is unbearable and last a lot longer that a couple hours one night.

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