
I think i've seen this missing girl?

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im about 89% sure i have seen this missing girl. i have been sitting here looking at her pic on a site for about 3 hours and i KNOW i have seen her. but im just now 100% sure though. i dont want to go anywhere and make a statement because im not 100% sure and this isnt something to just "think" i might know or even be taken lightly. but her face and everything about her face .....its going to drive me insane. i heared if you give false reports you can get into seriously trouble. so idk what to do....any advice.....

heres a link to her pic...the first pic is the style she does her hair and looks JUST like the teenager i've seen around.




  1. just report a sighting.

    If you tell them that it was definitely someone who looked like her, i'm sure you won't get into trouble.

    Just think, how would you live with yourself if you knew you had seen her, but chose not to say, and now her parents are waiting for her?

    I would definitely say, but then again, it is your decision.

    Good luck, let me know what you choose to do!

  2. WOW!!! you can't find her in any year books  ahhhh it is like a ghost dtorie and  that girl looked like a ghost, but anyways try to look for her agian and if you find her start talking to her and then show her the picture and i widh you luck. And do you mind if i add thid on to my website it is about ghost.

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