
I think i Have fleas in my room>? There litle orange bugs... are those fleas?

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And ive only started seeing them today ive killed about 3 only.. but im sure theres more.

How can i make sure to eliminate them all b4 they go all over the house and stuff.




  1. It's an outside bug. Is there any trees near your room? They are probaly sneaking in through tiny cracks or open doors and windows. Just go get you some Ortho-Max. It works on a wide range of annoying outdoor critters. I dont think those things can hurt you.Do they fly?

  2. dont know what you have in your room but its not fleas...fleas are dark....

  3. Not fleas.  Fleas are black and they have a very hard shell.  You need to get them between two fingernails to crush them.

    Suggest you get an insectide bomb.  Close the door to your room and set it off.  Don't go into your room for about two hours afterward, then leave the door open and open the window to air it out.

    The orange bugs will leave an orange stain if you crush them while they are alive.

  4. I dont think so.. Im pretty sure flees are black, but whos knows maybe you've got a case of their distant cousin, the orange flees...

  5. it's probably mites, could be spider mites could be paper mites. pick up everything on the floor (everything) douse your room with lysol in behind dressers under the bed inside the closet and air it out thouroughly even if you have to use a fan to pull the air out of the house on into your room and out a window and then when dry and no longer smells like lysol and vacuum. Do this 2 X in the week. (don't forget to vacuum both times) do the hall nearest to your room and after the second vacuuming throw away the vacuum bag (outside trash). This should handle about 85% of the guessers pests

  6. fleas are black

    not orange

  7. Do they look like this?

    They might be bedbugs.

  8. Sounds like bed bugs.  They are extremely hard to get rid of.

  9. Ahh, those are spiders. They suck blood. If you squash them you will see the blood ooze out. They are found in lots of places. They can't harm you. You should just keep squashing them as that is the biggest they will get.

  10. have you ever seen a dog walking around scratching at little orange things?

    no, fleas are black.

    you probably have a case of the "very poisonous orange o's"

    you are going to die.

  11. No, they are not fleas.  Fleas are usually dark brown, or black and they are oval shaped.

  12. Fleas are black and smaller than that and hop around A LOT.

  13. No No NO!  Fleas are smaller and black.  Make sure you don't have bed bugs because they are orange in color.  Make sure you treat your room and vacuum immediately.

    Do this; wash everything sheets, blankets, comforter, etc etc, clothes - everything.  Then vaccum.  Buy some Raid or bug killer and spray the corners.  Vaccum your mattress and use a bug killer on it that is safe for humans.

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