
I think i am a super hero what should i do!!!!!?

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I think i am a superhero

I have been acting very crazy these days because i pushed my bathroom door as i usually do and it broke in half. I didnt tell any body about this.

Also yesterday when my dad who is way stronger than me couldnt lift a suitcase and its weight was abt 50 pds i lifted it up with ease.

can somebody tell me what is happening with me???

and also i am very fat and before i couldnt even jump a little bit but now i actually dunked.

I really dont believe my self and i dont really know what to do???





  1. that is a little strange that all of these things are happening I don't think you are a super hero maybe it is just a growth spurt of something

  2. Have u gotten bitten by any mysterious spiders lately?

  3. a 50 lb suitcase is not that heavy at all.. i'm just 100 lb and I can carry that with ease too.. with regards to your door that broke into half, perhaps you pushed it harder than you usually did in addition to the previous times that you have been doing it; thus your door, had already destabilized..

    and about your recent discovery that you can actually dunk.. Fat people can naturally do that.. probably you had been practicing jumping prior to your dunking discovery..

    just mere coincidences..

  4. well i realy think you are normal i  can lift a front of a car well a few years ago was bite by a snake and sence then well i can lift things  walk on glase and walk through fire and dont need a coat in the winter  ....if ya are for real  see what the true powers are  

  5. so u can lift a 50 lb suitcase big deal

  6. jump off a cliff =D

  7. maybe you should stop taking angel dust hahaha lol... just playing

    maybe your just strong

  8. Ok, here's what to do.

    Go to a pub in Ireland (swim there unless you are actually in Ireland) and drink 18 pints of Guinness in 2 and half minutes.

    If you can do that, you really are a super hero.

    (by the way, I mean swim there and drink the Guinness in 2 and a half minutes)

  9. You need two things URGENTLY.

    First a  super hero suit... get your Mum to make you one... every super hero's first suit is made by their Mum.  If your Mum is dead (Super heros mums often are) get your Grandma to make it.

    Second.. a sidekick... every super hero has a sidekick... like Robin is to Batman... or Shaggy to s****. Doo.  I suggest you put up a notice at school.  There are HEAPS of aspiring sidekicks out there... trust me.

  10. You said you think you are a super hero, and now you are expecting serious answers?  Only one way to find out.  Jump off your roof and see if you fly.

  11. dude lay of the meth and mushrooms. you know they make you see and think crazy things

  12. I can lift a 50lb brief case with my d**k, am I a super hero?

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