
I think i am pregnant????? help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well we have been trying for 6 mo and well now i am 5 days late i am on a 22 day cycle and i had my last p the 8th (got off that day) and we have s*x random and never use prprotectionmy hubby and i) so what i want to know is i took a test the 25th and it ws - and its now the 31 and i still have no sign of starting or a sign of being pregnant i know i could just be late but i am not ever more than 2 days late well thank you for rereading and please tell me what what you think!!!!!!




  1. okay first of all when u count out periods ur suppost to count out from the day you start. not the day you end.

    second of all, stress can delay a period. so if your worried about being pregnant chances are the stress of worrying pushed off your period even longer.

    you last tested on the 25th, so i'd say test again today. if its still negative then wait two more days. if you still dont have your period then, then test again.

    if this prolongs for another week see a doctor. chances are if you are pregnant your hormone level isnt high enough for the test to read it properly. or you could have a stress related miss-cycle.

    hope i could help

  2. Go buy a pregnancy

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