
I think i blew my chance at this great job what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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I went in for an interview for this great job with was offered the poition. Following my offer i was to undergo a background check and full physical. My background check cleared and i had my physical scheduled. Something came up and i couldnt make the appintment. Basically I had to reschedule twice because my car died on me. I really was excited about getting this position and am trying to come up with an apology letter hoping for them to reconsider my offer. Please help me with content for this letter. I am desperate. =( Yikes, I have a really good resume and great refernces if that counts for anything. Please Help, Thanks




  1. DO NOT tell them your car died. Red flag. I worked for a staffing firm and those excuses didn't work so well. Just reschedule. No need to explain, unless they ask. But DO NOT miss the third one. You can say if they ask that you were feeling under the weather, but you feel fine now.

    Good luck

  2. yeah, not to pop your bubble, but this job has probably been filled. Many (most?) employers want certain job skills, but equally important is the reliability of any employee/applicant. Having to reschedule (twice) pretty much destroyed your chances, regardless of your reasons for having to do so. If i'm an employer and i've had an applicant miss TWO appointments, i don't even consider them for the job, due to their unreliability.  

  3. Just tell them the truth but at this point, it does not look good. An employer doesn't want to hear that your car died. Try to get that fixed as soon as possible.  

  4. sorry but they have probably moved to another candidate already.  You can try the letter but dont think it will help much.  I would explain the situation to them just like you did to us, talk about how much you want to work with them and how your skills apply to the job. Good Luck!!

  5. Your car died?  I would not tell them this, it is a red flag that you won't be showing up on time.  Just reschedule, that is it.

    I missed an interview once because the secretary did not check her phone messages that I left her.  They were there, waiting for me to show up but I was out of town on that day.  They rescheduled and I got the job.  So, just reschedule. No letters, just call and reschedule.

  6. Please tell them that due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances , you could not make out for the final interview.  

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