
I think i fancy this boy and he told me that he fancy's me but...

by  |  earlier

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But we have been out 2 times already and both times i have dumped him!

He is one of my best mates but i just cant help but fancying him!

After the second time he went out with me he went out with other people but he dumped them and he told me that he dumped them because he Fancy's some1 else, and only recently he has told me that he likes me!

And i have worked out that i fancy him!

Do you think it should be third time lucky?

Or just get over him?





  1. You sound like a 13 y/o> but maybe you two deserve each other?  

    Yeah, go out with him, dump him, start to fancy him again, go out with , dump him....does anyone see a pattern here?  

  2. well i think you should go out with him one more time and see if you really don't like him and dump him again then its time to move on.

  3. you need to make up your mind. stop playing with his head.

  4. Well, when girls usually gave guys a second chance, that was their last chance.  So, to answer your question, I think it's time for you to move on, but be remain friends with him.  Of course, it depends on people's opinions.  After all, third time is a charm

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