
I think i got a ghost on video! (video attached!?

by  |  earlier

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this is the sylvia likens house, where a young girl was tortured for months and then killed on the eastside of indianapolis back in and my buddy filmed her house for some people on youtube

^look at around 43 seconds at the upstairs window on the top left

by the way the house was SEALED has been boarded up for a long time, we walked around the whole house

this is serious, i am not sure what i caught here on film, sure it could be a squatter in the window.....only 1 person out of about 20 has said it was onlty a glare or somethin

what do u think?




  1. It does look like "someone" parted the curtains to look outside.  But, you didn't really get a good shot of it (I didn't notice it the first time through.)  It could have been a crack in the window, letting a breeze in.  Or, a crack in a different window, or maybe some kids or a homeless person got in somehow.  But this is just me, I rationalize everything, even my own "supernatural encounters".  It's not that I don't want to believe, it's that I don't want to think something is what it isn't,  if you follow me.  :)  Anyway, maybe next time you could focus on the windows more, maybe something else will happen.

  2. Some things that I noticed.

    When you're far away from the house, coming around the corner at around :23 seconds, the bottom pane of the window looks black, like the blinds are completely open at that point in time.  As your camera is shaking and panning to the left a couple times, the blinds close, and at :27 seconds, the black is gone, blinds closed.  Then, at :47 seconds, just for a brief second, the bottom pane is black again, but it's smudged, not clear.

    Then, near the end of the video, when the car is driving by, the bottom blinds are completely open again for the entire drive by.

    Someone was inside, looks nothing paranormal to me.

    Also, in my opinion, if you're going somewhere with the intent on actually filming something (not saying you were intentionally trying to capture anything, just shooting a video of the house,) you should attempt to hold the camera just a little bit steadier.  Really makes it hard for anyone to see anything when the whole field of view is sloshing about like that.

  3. I honestly don't think you got anything but it would be awesome if you went into the house.  never heard of Silvia Likens but now I'm interested so I'll research it....go again and get inside.

  4. Okay, the drapes at :43 — possibly a squatter, maybe a draft.  It could even have been an animal that got in.  At :47 it looked like a white shape in the same window, but I couldn't get a good look at it.  At 1:18 it looks like someone in the window.

    My verdict: squatters.  At :43 they looked out the window to see who was out there.  At 1:18 they look out a different window to watch what you're doing as you walk around the house.

  5. There is defiantly something there. The object in the window at 43 seconds was not there before. It doesn't look like a glare. I don't know what it is. That's cool! Wish I could get a better look at it.

  6. The camera was moving around a lot but I definitely saw something.  I don't know what it was though - I paused it on 43 seconds but it's difficult to tell what it was.

  7. I don't see anything at :43 secs, but at about 1:18-1:20 someone is in the window and if noone was in that house and you are sure noone was in the house,you have someone in the window. That's not a glare. I watched both parts like 20 times and I can't see it being a glare. It's not bright enough to be a glare. I paused and kept rewinding it,but if it was a glare,it would have been in all the windows of that floor. It's a ghost,or someone in the house.

  8. You are moving around way too much so it was really hard to see i paused it at 43 seconds and couldn't see anything is this a Joke??????????????????????

  9. i deff. saw something, but i think someone was probably inside the house?

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