
I think i have a eating disorder

by  |  earlier

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everytime i feel i have to throw up because i had threw up 2 times a after every meal i had i had felt like i had to throw up




  1. What do you mean "you had thrown up 2 times a day"? Was it just one day or what? Sorry really wanna help but add some more, coz I aint sure. Just wanna sat this -- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO THROW UP COZ YOU'VE EATEN!! OK honey?

    Sarah x

  2. Do you feel that you have to throw up after your meal because you can't stand the feeling of the food inside your stomach or is this involuntary?

    If you had an eating disorder, sure you may not actually be fully aware of it until later, but in most cases you're going to be aware of your actions.

    If you're throwing up -- MAKING yourself throw up after each meal, then I'm sure you have an eating disorder. If you aren't in control of yourself throwing up, then I would see a doctor ASAP.

    Good luck, either way.


  3. maybe you are sick is it just today ? or has it been a lot of days in a row. YOU ARE NOT FAT PLEASE STOP!  i am sure you are very pretty and dont need to do that if you feel like you NEED TO then please go see a doctor right away, its going to be ok. <3i hope i helped you so can you please help me

  4. it sounds like a stomach virus. drink flat ginger ale nibble on soda crackers and wait it out. rest to!

  5. have you already had an eating disorder when you said (i had threw up 2 times a day?) if so you may want to search on a particular advice columns for the disorder on a different website, good luck

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