
I think i have a problem but am i an alcoholic?

by  |  earlier

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When i go out i cant stop at one drink. I get drunk and very aggressive. I end up in fights occasionally. I dont initiating them i just refuse to walk away from confrontation. I dont fall about on the floor or anything like that. Im never sick. Once im angry i cant turn back and yesterday i scared myslef becuase i actually kicked my boyfriends car in.




  1. it might be anger problem the liquor is simply intensifying it  

  2. the answer to your question with the information provided is yes.

  3. go get some help find a therapist its good you want to correct this type of behavior

  4. Well, this ones easy. Its all mental. If you think you have a problem, then you do. If you dont, you don't. Others might disagree but its really what you think.

  5. Yeah, I have to agreee with everyone do have a problem.  But hey, u just described a typical night out with my friends.

  6. You sound like you have an anger issue and you may even be an alcoholic.

  7. You have a problem.  You don't need to drink.

  8. Don't hit me but, you already know the answer.Seems to me you are not liking who you are becoming.


  10. get help before you wind up in jail and without friends or family. when you act like this, you're not only hurting yourself, you're hurting the people you love.

    you need to develop a healhty way of expressing anger AND you need to cope w/ your alochol abuse. ASAP

    kicking in your boyfriend's car is NOT COOL and you're lucky that he didnt call the cops on you *ss.

    pull yourself together and get help

    Wikipedia:  Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes

  11.    The very fact that you are asking this question is a strong indication that you are a problem drinker. If you are honestly looking for help then go alcoholics anonymous and listen to people who have no doupt amout thei alcohol abuse problem and what the resulted in their lives. Afterward you should be able to determine whether or not you have a drinking problem.Good luck.

  12. i agree with jazzy!

    alcohol is just a catalyst !

  13. Don't drink, then !

    If that is too hard to do, you need help ...

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