
I think i have a rash from lifting tires

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i have a mysterious rash on my forearms that is red and slightly raised. i think this might have been caused my helping my cousin move his spare tires that where covered with spider webs to the basement. i also have sensitive skin. the rash does itch but it doesnt cause any pain. there is also no oozing. i dont think that i was bitten or came in contact with poisen ivy but i dont know where the tires have been. im already taking 1 benadryl every 6 hours for the sweeling and have using a topical benadryl spray to stop the itch and been covering that with gold bond powder. but nothing seems to be helping but then again its only been 2 days of me using this stuff. i just need some ideas on what i should do.




  1. keep doing what you are doing

    but might i suggest that you wash the affected area with a mild soap such as plain white ivory soap .. then apply Hydrocortisone cream . three times a day ..  and if you see no relief  in a few days or it get worse . take then see a dr

    also if the skin is not too irritation rubbing alchohol while it will burn might relieve it ... it works on posion oak for example ..

    but try the above first

  2. it is ok as longe as it has not turned black  well i would see a doctor as it can be a spider bit

  3. Keep doing what your doing. Give it a week and if you not making much progress see a doctor.

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