
I think i have a sick hamster.?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a hamster and i think he might be sick

he sneezes alot and is sleeping at night

whats wrong?




  1. its normal

  2. He is living in a cage with people that keep staring at him.

  3. Are you sure he sleeps ALL night? my hamster sleeps until 2 AM and stays up till about 6-7. It's completely normal. And yes he might have dust around him.

  4. Please make a medical investigation for your cute hamster.

  5. Hamsters do weird things.

    I would recommend waiting about 5 more days to see if the condition gets worse, better, or stays the same.  Then act after that.

  6. Since you just got him, I'd wait it out a couple of days.

    What do you have him on?

    Make sure he's on aspen or paper bedding, no cedar or pine. That might cause sneezing.

    Stress from moving around can cause some sneezing.

  7. sneesing is NOT normal! what type of bedding does he have? if its pine or cedar, switch to aspen or better yet CAREFRESH ULTRA... no matter what,  a trip to the vet is your best bet. they can help you a whole lot more than a bunch f strangers whove never seen your hammy on here =]

  8. Sleeping at night... is not abnormal. Sneezing may be - or it may just be a lot of dust or something in your room. If you feel very concerned, take him to a vet - no problem.

  9. see a vet, if not, i agrre with the person on top of me

  10. Hampsters are subject to getting colds very easilly. Move the cage to a warmer place with no drafts.

  11. Give him more variety in its diet, some fruits and vegetables maybe?

  12. i dont believe sneezing is normal..and yes,u do shud check his bedding..

    another thing, rodents are they dont sleep at night..

    poor lad..take him to the vet,please...

    juz so u cud be sure he`s alright..

    juz to share some information,here`s some link coz i think u might need it for u juz hv had ur little cutie pie..

    hv fun taking care of him..

  13. u can take him to the vet but it is normal

  14. uhhh your hamster isn't sick, if it was, you would know TRUST ME

    ~Hope I Helped!~

  15. thats completly normal.

    your hamster is fine..

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