
I think i have amblyopia but im not sure what can i do and can eye exercise help?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 15 and I recently went to a place to get examined if i need glasses. They said i do because one eye working and the other eye is not, and that my vision got worse over time. They said i needed glasses and prescribed.

They didnt tell me that i have amblyopia (i didnt even know what it was until i researched on internet). I know my vision got worse because i can tell. My right eye does all the work because when i close it, my left eye can only see things that are VERY near. Can eye exercises help me? Or should i see a specialist first ? I live in Sacramento, California and I don't know any places where I can see a specialist. I heard from people about this program called "eyesercise"

but im not sure it can help me, should i start this program?

Please help I dont know what to do.





  1. just get glasses, and contacts are good too. they are not all that bad. you can try the program if you want, but it is really up to you. i got glasses when i was 14, one eye was much better than the other. it isnt that bad. also maybe you could get just one contact for that eye... if the other one is good. just a thought

  2. This sounds more like a vision imbalance rather than amblyopia.  Amblyopia is an problem with how the eye learned to see see and typically can't be corrected with eyeglasses or contacts.

    I have eye imbalance that was likely caused by having strabismus (eye muscle problems).  My right eye has better vision than my left eye, everything in my left eye is a little blurry but distant objects are worse than nearby objects due to astigmatism.  I can do near work without corrective lenses, but will usually wear my glasses or contact for distance.  My right eye has normal vision.

    I do not know anything about the program that you linked, but I do recommend going to Sacramento Vision Center.  I really like the doctors and staff there.  They also have personalized vision improvement programs that may be able to help you.

    Good Luck!

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