I just turned 15 and I recently went to a place to get examined if i need glasses. They said i do because one eye working and the other eye is not, and that my vision got worse over time. They said i needed glasses and prescribed.
They didnt tell me that i have amblyopia (i didnt even know what it was until i researched on internet). I know my vision got worse because i can tell. My right eye does all the work because when i close it, my left eye can only see things that are VERY near. Can eye exercises help me? Or should i see a specialist first ? I live in Sacramento, California and I don't know any places where I can see a specialist. I heard from people about this program called "eyesercise" http://www.eyesercise.com/
but im not sure it can help me, should i start this program?
Please help I dont know what to do.