
I think i have an anger problem...?

by Guest61211  |  earlier

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well, i get mad pretty easy, and like, when my mom is being stupid or yelling at me, i just want to hit her so hard. but i would never do that. i just scream. i scream alot more now rather than hitting things,

i used to fight alot. it took my anger out.

but i had to stop that. after i broke 4 knuckles and broke a kids nose, jaw, 6 teeth, and gave him a concussion. i had to stop

im not a mean kid. im nice. to everyone. but when i get mad im a totally differnt person. and ive gotten the urge to fight latley

but i know i cant because i wouldnt be able to get my drivers permit. yes im 14 years old. im not a bully. i just cant control my anger,

what should i do. i do not want to take medication. helpp mee




  1. Well i understand how u feel because i used to be like that but way less violent  because i didnt use violence .Violence is never the answer to your problems. wat happened was that people didnt like my attitude boys wouldnt even like me because i was really mean and  one day i realized that i had to stop so the next year when school started i was very nice and i kept being nice throughout the school year and people asked why are you being nice this year did you take therapy or something and i just decided to be niceso that would help big time and people started being nice to me and talking to me and now more boys like me because i changed my attitude so changing your attitude is the answer.

  2. Like OMG?!?! Have you NEVER heard of guava?? theyre a rare tropical fruit but their juice carries a powerful calming acid!!!! It would work perfectly in your situation!!! Guava are actually very delicous fruits! In fact I tghink you would rather enjoy them..but theyre awfully expensive..around 2.99 each I have an anger issue too....or i used to before i started eating guava....You can get them at wegmans  

  3. There is something inside you that is frustrating you. Most of the time you are ok and don't fly off the handel. but other times not. The undealt with frustration you have inside is the cause of your occasional explosions. Is there something that is bothering you inside, that maybe comes out in the form of anger? NEVER hot your Mother. NEVER. You will regret it. You Mother is the ONE person in the wold world who wishes only the best for you, even when she's yelling at you! LISTEN to what she has to say, and try to do it. You know, she just may be right, and then you won't need to get angry, because you'll know the the free advice from your Mom is best advice to make you happy. Good luck. P.S. One time I told my Mother "f**k you!" She died. And now that she is gone forever, I regret exploding at her that childish way. Oh, she forgave me....but I have never forgiven myself....

  4. dude. welcome to my world. everyones like "oh anna ur sooo cool" and then some r like "u scare me" and i want to punch their face into the ground so bad that i just run away to avoid the temptations

    and i kinda beat up my sister alot... i gave her a black eye once and smashed her head into the wall

    i scare her too

    my mom suggested doing a competitive sport

    and im a natural born swimmer and it just completly takes my mind off of the anger

    try a sport it helps

  5. Yeah i had the same problem

    instead of like fighting and **** after like 8th grade after getting in trouble alot

    i played counterstrike which i got rly angry at, but helped me vent out my anger.

  6. I'm sorry I don't know exactly what to tell you to do, instead of medication try taking an anger management course. My husband is the nicest person to be around except when he gets angry and he suffers with anger problems the same as you. Try that and try to learn to focus your emotions in a more positive way. The suggestion of taking up a sport was a great one.

  7. Right now your hormones are running wild. Teenage years suck. I feel for you. Ask any normal adult if they would like to be a teenager again and they will tell you "h**l NO!" What you are going through is a major part of it.

    You need to beat something-up...seriously. Get a speed bag, take a karate class, go to the gym; you need to do something physical as well as mental to mellow out.

    Don't take it out on your mom, she irritates you simply because she is there. You do not have a fuse...your temper is instant...and mom's don't help. Just do something that is physical as well as mentally challenging. How about fencing? Geeky...but cool. Think about it. If you hate all these ideas...put your shorts and shoes on and start running.

  8. You are not nice.  Any thug who broke someones jaw is on the way to a cell.  Hopefully.  Two facts about anger.

    1.  Getting angry is a choice (for almost all of us).  go ahead and argue.  But if I had a gun to your head and called you all sorts of names, I'll bet you'd choose NOT to get angry.  But who knows, perhaps you're insane....

    2.  Feeling of frustration, fear and impotence lead to anger.  You need help to learn better ways of blowing off steam and reacting to others (and yourself).

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