Im 100% sure i am obsessive compulsive.
It's stressful and hard to hide from the people im around.
Like i have this compulsion that things have to be even for example:
If i push a button with one hand, i have to make my other hand push the button too.
Even the order of which hand may touch the button first has to be swapped around.
Yeah I sound like a nut job but trust me this is nothing in comparison.
I manage to convince myself that if i don't do that exact same routine everysingle particular time, day whatever it is or touch or step on something evenly etc...
that i will jinx myself and something bad will happen like most of all losing a loved one or something horrible happening to them.
Because i believe in jinxing things im paranoid that if i don't it'll be my fault if something happens,
so i dont want to take the chance and i give in to my compulsions.
Do you know anything about OCD? Does anyone have the same kind of issue as me?
Feel free to leave comments about whatever.
Thanks Heaps (: