
I think i have developed a real fear of childbirth...HELP ?

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im scared that i will die giving birth and never get to see my beautiful baby...




  1. One word...EPIDURAL!!! doctors (most of them anyway) pretty much know what they are doing.  Alot of women fear this but there is a small chance of that happening.  You will be monitored throughout your enitre pregnancy.  

  2. With the latest technologies and constant monitoring, it is extremly rare for anything like that to happen, but I totally understand how you feel. I'm not going to lie, its no fun going through it, but I swear to you, my baby is 5 1/2 months old and looking back, it doesn't seem so bad anymore. It may benefit you from talking to your OB about these fears. He or she may be able to reassure you and maybe give you some information that you were not aware of. Good luck!!  

  3. This is totally normal - you feel like this because you are frightened of the unknown, and giving birth is a series of unknowns. Talk to your doctor if you feel unable to handle the fear but otherwise try to relax and look after yourself so that you have as healthy a pregnancy and delivery as possible. Hugs!

  4. this is a common fear i think it is the fear of the unknown plus hormones....just rest assure with the medical field as advanced as it is you should  be in good hands....also just think of the positives like getting to see that beautiful baby the stress will not do either of you any good. you will be alright...if you are having too much anxiety talk to your doctor and they will put you at ease...good luck

  5. why would you think that are you sick or have health problems and if not you shouldent worry about stuff like that  

  6. first of all sweetie it's ok to be afraid... it is your fear and that is what makes it real... examine why you are afraid... write down everything you have ever been afraid of or undesirable thought and then burn it... you will be amazed at how much inner peace and joy you will feel...  

    from the first moment you hold your baby you will experience complete unconditional love and your spirit will be born again... enjoy the greatest experience in life... being a mother.

  7. Uh oh. That must be the worst. Believe me, the Doctors know what they're doing. If he sees that something is going wrong, he'll immediately put you in an emergency c-section. Just think positive. :)

  8. Just a simple solution.  We all know that we have to die one by one and/or, in some instances collectively, so why to develop a fear leading to depression etc.  I know death is something very drastic because that is the end of the life, but no one can help it because it is beyond our control and nothing can be done about it.

    I think those days are over when there used to be some rare deaths during delivery, but now there are no chances for it at all.  Nevertheless, the delivery process may sometimes become complicated, but there are best and safest solutions for that.  Therefore, there is no need to develop fear and that every thing will be fine.

    One thing important to keep in mind is that continuous development of such fear may lead to grave depression and anxiety, which might cause a mental impact to your forthcoming baby's health.  So, please relax and be happy to have a beautiful and healthiest baby.

    Wish you all the best and a safest delivery together with my cordial regards.  So long.  

  9. Very unlikely with today's methods.  I had 2 natural childbirths and the thought did occur to me during labor, especially in transition.  It's just the fear of the unknown, but relax knowing that you have every possible support available and tons of women have successfully gone before you!  There are babies being born every second, and proud mothers holding their bundles of joy.  Just think of the end result, and if you fear the pain, remember there are epidurals that greatly help, I've been told.  I wanted one the 2nd time, but I was fully dilated by the time I reached the hospital so I had another natural delivery.  You'll be fine, and congrats in advance!

  10. For a mom to die during childbirth with todays medical technology is very very rare. Try to relax and not let the negative emotions and fear over take you. Think rationally not emotionally.  

  11. Is this your first baby? I was scared to death with my first baby. The doctor came in during a regular ultrasound and said, "well, we're going to deliver today." I was totally unprepared for that, and scared to death. (Your other reader is right--it was fear of the unknown, and it passed.) But once the whole process started, it wasn't scary, it was just something I had to do. (Yeah and the drugs probly helped a lot too). I am pregnant with my second, my oldest is eight. I am still nervous, but more excited this time than anything. I remember when I heard my first baby's first cry, it was like something straight out of heaven. Try to relax and enjoy it--this is going to be one of the most beautiful moments of your life, you will never forget it. And your chances of dying during childbirth? Very, very slim. If it eases your mind, do some research on the chances of that happening--it is not common these days. Express your fears with your doctor,  perhaps, to get some reassurance.  

  12. you should go see a psychologist to help you overcome that fear.

  13. Sometimes I worry about that, too. I have never gone through labor, but I will in about 3 months, so I'm really scared. But I'm sure everyone is their first time and that's a totally normal thought. It will be okay, though. When I see it on tv, it seems so chaotic and I feel like I have no idea what's even going on--even when it's on a show where they show the real labor. It seems so traumatizing! But then the people I know who have had babies act like it's no big deal, so I guess if they can be toughies, we can too! It's really unlikely that you will die; I never hear any stories about anyone dying these days--only if the mother or baby or both have serious complications. But your risk is really small. Don't worry, you'll get to see your beautiful baby and the labor will probably seem like nothing! Best of luck! :)

  14. My mom told me she had the same fear(im her first-born) but she said she just thought about the first time she was going to see the "beautiful baby".

    I hope it helps. Just remember that nothing can separate you from your child

  15. dont think this way....think about being strong and bringing your baby into this world and all the wonderful experiences you'll have as a family! when i was having my c section i was praying to my grandma that has passed. i keep saying in my head...nan, help me be strong...make sure it all goes well....

  16. i was like you before im scared that i will die giving birth and can't see my baby and we have already a bunch of baby stuff and i'm thinking who will used it if am already gone? what will happen to my baby? who will take care of her? if i die sure i won't be back in this world ever. i was real scared i don't even let my husband knew how and what i feel but by the time i'm giving birth everything's fine the doctors know what they are doing it's safe. you will be fine don't worry

  17. You are very closely monitored when you are in the labor room.  Your blood pressure, baby's heart rate, all closely watched.  You will be just fine.  Tell your doctor of your fear.  He/she will be able to reassure you that you are in safe and good hands.  Look forward to the moment when you get to look into your baby's eyes and count its precious little fingers and toes.

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