
I think i have diabetes?? ANSWER PLZZ?

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i think i have diabetes. IM ALREADY GOING TO THE DOCTOR so dont say only a doctor can diagnose you.thats really 14.i weigh 98 pounds.haha i know im 5 foot june i weighed 90.i dont know if thats from puberty or summer and eating when bored lol.last wendsa until saturday, i had extreem dry thirst, dry mouth and urinating every 30 minutes. ALLL OF THAT WENT AWAY.except thirst, and dry moutth but its not all the time.ive been trying to not drink as much water (when i had the extreem thirst i was drinking 30 glasses a day) now just like 10.every time i eat sugar, i get a headache that will last a long time, or i get drowsy and my eyes get heavy,but i dont go to sleep.also, my fingers have fallen asleep while im texting which is weird to me.sometimes i get dizzy if i stand up,and it gets so black i gotta practically let myself fall.also, when i woke up,my sight was fine, but i was like able to see my heartbeat with my was preety weird.for a week ive been getting frequent headaches.theyr not that strong.also, i keep on getting..i dont know if its heartburn or something,but and the center of my chest hurts sometimes too. i dunooo.




  1. This sounds more like low blood pressure and/or a lack of proper nutrition and vitamins.  It could be dehydration too as crazy as that sounds.  You can still become dehydrated despite drinking.  It matters what you're drinking, your weight, the weather and your activity.  Good that you're going to a doctor, get the right opinion.  Good luck.

    Your fingers going numb from texting has nothing to do with diabetes or dehydration. I can tell you the cause/cure for numb fingers during texting, but I don't think you want to hear it.

  2. Consult your doctor quicker.

  3. i am a type 1 diabetic and it doesnt really sound like diabetes to me, when you have severe diabetes symptoms there is weight loss, its somewhat complicated to explain but it isnt really possible to gain weight when you have constant high sugars, just in case though if you are diabetic you shouldnt limit you water intake until you go to the doctor, i know it suck with the every 20 minute bathroom trips like i had but if you do have high sugars you can build acid up in your bloodstream which can put you into a coma, the only way to get rid of it is to flush it out with lots and lots of water, so drink as much water as you can until you go to the doc and stop eating sugary things until then

  4. I don't believe its diabetes I could be wrong..  Honest truth. I am 16 iI went to the doctor ... hospitals, heart specialist had 5 mri's 3 cat scans and 2 E.G.G for all the same reason...

    They don't understand whats going out that when i stand i blank out... it go black and fall over i have dry mouth... always hungry body parts fall asleep i can't sleep when its night time... i have headaches...

    I was told i don't drink enough water because my body can't hold it from the Heart specialist

    by the hospital and Neurologist ...  I have a cyst on my brain which is causing the head-echs... and the blacking out... i go now yearly for Mri's

    Doctor said we have no comment what is happening...

    My body can't take heat anymore or my heart beats to fast and i pass out.

    I  now drink 6 bottles of water a day.... If not i could cause death in a week for my body not retaining water...

    Yet we still are on a search what is happening and it could take mine years


    okay anyhow that was my little story

    Yet you  could be have diabetes... I can't tell you only a blood test can... Do what the doctor ask and says.... hopefully they will find what is wrong

    Most sincerely Matthew M.

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