
I think i have discovered a new power?

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using psi i can take peoples souls i know it sounds wierd but i ve tested it on my friend and hesaid it felt like a drainage of power and a strange sensation




  1. I think you're friend is either messing with you or is just incredibly stupid...Im assuming the latter if guilt by association is  an option time you drain a soul...try it on a english professor...then maybe you will be able to express what you are trying to say better....

    PS...Im shooting you "Soul vibes"  try to catch em!

  2. Using "pounds per square inch" sucked out someones soul, huh?....that's a good one.....CHANGE THAT BONG WATER! ! !

  3. sorry but you cannot play god , amazingly enough about 3 days ago i was watching a "tale from the crypts " episode and it was about a crazy scientific that claimed he could take the souls of people by removing it from being the spinebelow the neck , at the end of the story he and his assistant end up all dead !!! hope you got what im trying to say ...i know you rae just kidding anyways hahahha

  4. ROFL

  5. Congratulations!  Here's your Nobel Prize.  Enjoy.

  6. What you have discovered is not the power of soul stealing. It is the power of suggestion. You perceived you had a unique ability and gave off that impression in your attempts. Your friend felt drained because his mind felt that he should feel drained. You got yourself to believe you had a power. You got him to believe something occurred.

    If you want someone's soul, do it like how everyone else is doing it... buy them off eBay.

  7. What your friend experienced isn't proof that you drained his soul.  On the other hand, people do give out vibes.  There are some people who are so low on mind energy that they can drain the energy of those who are low, themselves.  When I was weak from allergies, I experienced being sapped of energy by an acquaintance I hadn't seen for years.  He was so full of anger and bitterness that I was sick for a week after visiting with him.  Also I did an experiment once with a friend where I was lying with my eyes closed and she was sort of scanning me mentally, trying to see my aura.  I felt the intensity of her concentration.  Then I suddenly felt a lightness, and I asked what happened.  She said she smiled.  There are some people who are so overflowing with a loving warmth that people are drawn to them and feel nurtured.  So I'm only suggesting because I can only guess what you mean, but I think you might be referring to the vibrational power we all have, which can nurture or drain people.

  8. your such a ******* liar. like we are really thar stupid. c'mon man. get a ******* life.

  9. Hmmm...I felt a little bit of my IQ drain when I was foolish enough to read this question. Maybe you DO have something going there.

  10. IF,...and I stress IF you're not full of c**p; what you've been doing is more akin to qi-gung or even psychic vampirism than "soul stealing". I've studied qi or chi energy work for years, and it sound like you've performed a "pull" try a push and you could experience and/or perform some truly amazing things.

  11. OK, that's easy to test.  I'd drop saying you're taking people souls though, since it's never been demonstrated that anyone has one.  Put your friend in one room and you in another, and see if he can tell when you're trying to take his 'energy' and when you aren't.  If he can, without you alerting him, this guy will give you a million bucks.

  12. The world is now a dumber place for having read your question.

  13. I think you need to work on your trolling, some people here will believe almost anything so it shouldn't be too hard for you.

    I think you should have cut the bit out about the soul and said something like Using psi I put my hands against my friend and concentrated on drawing out his energy, I felt my hands glowing warm while his skin became cool and clammy, the experience left us both exhausted, but afterwards I felt strangely elated, was it only his physical energy that I was drawing on?

  14. Sounds like you are having fun messing with people and them messing with you back. I say this because you edited and said you thought you would have people going with your question suggesting you are just trying to have fun here.


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