
I think i have got bats!

by  |  earlier

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i think i have bats in my attic, i know there is nothing i can do, but i want them gone. i am not sure but nearly every night i heard like a creeking noise comming from my bedroom celling. could anyone give me some sdvice please!




  1. Putting a fake owl up in the attic should help, like with pigeons.  Blocking the holes from your attic to the outside world helps too.  

    First you should check if there are really bats up there, though.  If you're just basing it on a sound, you might actually have a different problem.  We used to have squirrels in our attic.  They didn't venture to any other part of the house, though - they just liked the shelter from the weather.  

  2. call the exterminators.

  3. if its a bat you need to call an exterminator because bar fecies can be fatal to humans if you inhale it and bats can carry rabies so if its a bat its a health hazard and if not it could be squirrels but whatever it is it shouldn't be in your attic and if you don't want it killed call an exterminator that has live traps and other methods of capturing animals and relocating them, just don't try to remove whatever it is yourself because you could get bitten, good luck

  4. Lucky you. I prefer bats over mosquitoes any time. Besides they are lucky. It worked for me when I knew this really mean person who kept coming around. He was scared to death of bats. We too had bats. Needless to say he doesn't come anymore and when the bats migrated in fall we hung up rubber bats, just in case....

    Seriously, in another month of two they will be gone on their own.

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