
I think i have something wrong with my eyes and it scared me..?

by  |  earlier

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so my eyes are weird.

when the light changes a little my eyes have a hard time switching and they blurr a little bit til they can get right.

but today i was walking down my hall way and they suddenly blurred a little and i didnt think much, until it blurred to completely gray and i couldnt see for a couple seconds. the really frightening part tho is that my eye sockets themselfs started to heat up like they were about to start burning.. please tell me if this is serious before i have a doctor check it out




  1. Happened to me once. I was walking down the halls of my school on the way to the bathroom with a stomac ache and my eyes just blacked out, I felt dizzy and really sick and got all sweaty. Luckily after a couple of seconds and deep breths I was back to normal. Maybe you need glasses? Were you feeling dizzy or ill?

  2. go to the doctor doctor

    primary doctor and optometrist

    maybe the doctor will give you a CT scan, to check for a tumor

    i don't know if a tumor would cause that, but i would rather be safe than sorry

    get to the doc ASAP

    don't ignore it

  3. Definately go to the doctor, you don't want to risk your eyes.  Do you have light colored eyes (like blue)?  Sometimes they can be more sensitive to light changes.  Please see a doctor.

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