
I think i hurt my knee could it be a torn acl?

by  |  earlier

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well me and my team went out to pizza cuz we just won are tour for softball and we were about to leave and i layed in the car and my friend layed on me ,my knee was hanging half in and out of the car and they pulled her leg and i was holding on to her and my knee started to hurt really bad and i told them to stop but they kept going then i could barley walk ...i had a limp and it was hurting bad when i came home i hurt it about 3 weeks ago and it still hurts and starts hurting after i run or put pressure on it ...then i went to the beach and i moved wrong and it hurt........i think it gave out on me one hurts pretty bad




  1. Go to the doctor. If it's still hurting after 3 weeks something is wrong.

  2. See a real good Orthopedic doctor for this one. If you need a referral, your primary doctor cannot say no, he has to give you one. And, you also should look into your bone structure in your knee. Lots of doctors have x-ray machines right in their office and can at least see the bones. I hope it is not serious, but ice it on and off.

    Good Luck to you.

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