
I think i like my boyfriends best friend?

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in the beginning of this past summer i started hanging out with my boyfriend and his friends. prior to hanging out with them that first time, i had never met them before. but the more i got to know them, the more i realized that i think i like my boyfriends best friend. i know that no matter what i decide to do about it, its not going to be good but i need some help on deciding the best thing to do in this situation. thank you in advance for any comments you have.




  1. I think you should just break up with your boyfriend and avoid his best friend too. Nothing is worse than going for your ex's best friend right away. Wait until you and your ex are completely over eachother, then start talking to his best friend again. If you like eachother, have him ask your ex if its okay that he dates you.

  2. /cheat in him he prob alredy did that to u,they all do  i wear,they have the stick,ive cheatedbefore on some other guy wen i did have my bf.Their evil

    Ghey remember im not a girl dont think so i just need points sometimes.

  3. thats sad but i suggest you tell your boyfriend!

  4. ummm out of the billions of people in the world it had to be him lol

  5. we cant really tell u wat 2 do but i don't think u shud. it would kill him 4 u 2 brake up with him 4 his best friend and u would also probably brake u their friendship, do u really want 2 do that? its your choice

    good luck<333

  6. if ur gonna go out w/ his best friend break up with him first at least... don't be a s**t.

  7. Decide you who love more .

    answer mine ?

  8. u shouldnot leave him,, i think so,, if u really love him and he loves u and takes care of u,, REAL LOVE happens only once in life,,,  love of souls,, HEARTSSS

  9. we really cant tell you what to do, its really your own decision

  10. DONT DO IT! I had left a past boyfriend (Colby) for his best friend (Rick). Colby loved me so much and treated me like gold. I have no idea how to this day I did that, but it was a huge mistake. I am no longer seeing Colby or Rick, but do run into them here and there and to this day they still hate each other! They were best friends until I broke up with Colby for Rick. So not only am I not with either one of them anymore, but I also broke up a friendship. I feel terrible about it still even after 13 years.

  11. In life you will feel different attractions. I mean do you seriously think that your bf goes throughout life without ever feeling attracted to other women? h**l no! He does and you do, but then you always have to remember that a relationship is a commitment. It's okay to feel attracted to someone else, as long as you know your bf is the one you are committed to and that you want to be with. That's what a relationship is all about: trust and committment, even when it's hard.

    I would like to bring attention to something Fidel209 said: there are billions in this world, but only one who you have this true and unbreakable connection with! That would be your bf, the one who you are committed to. If you were not in love with him, I'd say break up. But just because you feel attracted to another guy doesn't mean you should break up, but stay 100% committed to your bf. Remind yourself of the one who you are connected to through thick and thin in a relationship.

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