
I think i like my cousin?

by  |  earlier

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my cousin and i are verry close we are bolth 12 and i slept over his hous he thought i was asleep when he touched my boob i told my parents and his but i do not know if he likes me or if i like he

he acts weird around me and talks abou s*x and stuff like that and male parts but does this mean he likes me HELP and do i like him i do not mind him touching me i think i want him to do it again but i am only 12 and i do not know what i am feeling HELP

ps he is my first cousin but he is adopted




  1. I think that he likes you!!=] Lol were you guys sleeping in the same room?

  2. holy ****

  3. do not let anyone touch you and if you let him

    things are going to get real bad you are only 12

  4. tell him that he need to stop feeling on you,you are only 12 and tell him that just because your adopted don't maen your not family.

  5. This is sick

  6. if he's adopted then he is not a blood relative so it cannot be counted as incest so I'm saying as a guy ask him if he wants to go out but stop the boob touching till your at least 14 cos that ain't right  

  7. thats your cousin blood or not, he should not be fishing off the family dock! gross!

  8. o..hes adopted cause i was about to say "THAT IF FECKING DISGUSTING!" but sense hes not its all long as his parents dont have another kid together cause that will be ackward if your guys were in a relationship and he has a brother who happens to be your other cousin?

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