
I think i love a geek?

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i have just ended a year long relationship and I am falling for a friend who i have just started to get to know and hoo helped me through it all

he is not my usual type he is geeky, not that great looking and has never even been with someone and the complete opposite from me but we really get on and he tells me almost anything.

Everyone thinks something will happen and notice a great connection and most of his friends keep chatting me up.

He found out i liked him but told me he was not interested and that he liked someone else but it was complicated , she is just like him so i think thats why, she is geeky and not that pretty but a great girl to talk to, he said to me he does not know why he does not like me as i am goergous great personaltity ect and that he will most probably regret his desision so why cant i get over him i know there is no chance of anything happening now. We are still very close friends and trust each other. I am the only person who knows he even likes someone and who it is so why do i feeel like i have a chance and why does it still feel like he is flirting just slightly, today wee were even toy fighting but just now on msn he told me that this girl is comming back to school. i spoke to him about how i feel i may get left out for her and he said that would not happen and i was like why will you not ask her out and he keeps sayn it is complicated. i really do like him so much and i am happy to be friends but i find it difficult to do that with this feeling i have




  1. it doesnt matter. no one can tell u u cant date him just cuz hes a geek.

    awnser mine;...

  2. All I can Say is you shouldnt worry about what other people think about you for being with him. If you love or are falling in love with him that will be enough.

    Can you help me on my question please. I submitted it about 5 or ten minutes ago on this same category.

  3. Guys are, lets just say, unpredictable.

    I may be giving you the wrong advise but here goes.

    Now this guy seems great. You obviously realy like him and would love for it to work for you. But like i said, guys are unpredicatble. If it was me i would lay off for a while. Don't mention your feelings for him. Just be there for him as a friend. Show him you care enough and he will come to realise that maybe, just maybe, you're the one for him.

    However that's not where it ends.

    He may love you but feel scared. So make sure you're there for him. I think guys hide their feelings. Don't ask me why...i don't understand them haha!

    I know that if you stay strong you'll make it through those feelings and your waiting may pay off ;)

    Hope everything goes great for you

    Gee x
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