
I think i may be pregnant w/ twins what are the chances?

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i am 5 weeks pregnant and have a feeling i may be having twins. i have had really bad morning sickness since i found out (which was at 4 weeks) and i am extremely tired. The doctor says she thinks i'm further along than i am. Especially since this is my third pregnancy and with my other two i didn't get sick until eight weeks. My aunt is pregnant with twins and is due in january. Could i be too?




  1. If twins run in your family it's a possibility, but if it's an aunt, it's not likely. My grandma was a twin and I had twins and I found out by 5 1/2 weeks along because of bad cramping. But the severe morning sickness and fatigue won't dictate whether you're having twins. It could be this pregnancy is being harder on your body than the last. Wait until your U/S and you'll feel better. Good luck!

  2. If they run in your family, or you took some sort of fertility treatment to get pregnant, it does increase your chances of having twins, but I wouldn't assume it just based on your symptoms.  I took Clomid to get pregnant this time and was convinced that I was having twins because I felt sicker than I had with my 1st pregnancy and because I'm way bigger this time around than I was the first time.  Three ultrasounds have all confirmed that there is only one baby boy in there.

  3. Chances are, 1 in 750.  

  4. My doctor and I heard one heart beat at 8 weeks.  I knew I would begin to show sooner with a 2nd pregnancy, and I was extremely fatigued as I was chasing after a 1 1/2 year old.  The next two visits, we continued to hear only one heartbeat, however, I did questioned my doctor about the chance of carrying twins.  (I am a fraternal twin, and at that time there were 7 other sets of twins, and one set of triplets on my mother's side.)  Once I began feeling "the baby" move, I REALLY questioned how many babies I was carrying.  I could feel movement on BOTH sides of my uterus and I knew that one baby was not that big.  When I went in for my first ultrasound at 20 weeks,  as soon as my nurse placed the ultrasound instrument on my stomach, you could see 2 perfectly round little circles.  They were the tops of my twins heads.  So, the telling sign for me was movement in 2 separate locations that would be impossible to feel from just one baby.  

  5. Being sick and tired are VERY VERY common pregnancy symptoms! They dont mean you are having twins. I mean of course its always a possibility but the biggest sign of that would be to be measuring a lot larger then you are supposed to be.  I had extreme sickness and fatigue starting at 5 weeks and I am only having 1 little angel! You will have to wait until your first scan to find out for sure!

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