
I think i may have an infection??? Help..but I don't know if its a yeast infection or a different type..?

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For the past 3 days i've been feeling a burning sensation in my v****a and it feels sort of sore like. I know for sure its not an STD(Virgin still). But I keep getting told it might be a yeast infection. the thing is I dont have any discharge or smells just that burning senstation. its not too bad that i cant handle its just uncomfortable and annoying. I made an appointment with my moms Gyno but I couldn't get in to see her until Sept 11. thats 3 weeks from now. Any Recommendations???????

ps..I will be getting my period next week! Will being on my period make whatever i have become worse???




  1. Does it hurt when you pee? If so this could be a bladder infection.

  2. Try your own family doctor, you might be able to get in to see him sooner.

    Have you been taking any antibiotics? They sometimes disturb the natural bacteria in that area and can cause some discomfort. Eating yogurt with pro biotic cultures in it usually helps restore some of that and helps with that discomfort.

  3. Go to your neighborhood store (Walmart, Target, Walgreens) and buy what is known as AZO. The blue box treats bladder infections. IT is not expensive. This way you can try a "home remedy" before spending money at the gyno. AZO will definately help the burning.

    If you have dry shaved lately, that would make you itch-not burn. Just take care of it!

    Hope you get better,,  

  4. probably a bladder infection. go to the regular dr. and get a prescription and it will be gone in a couple days!

  5. well the only way it would be burning if you are irritating it.your period does not have nothing to do with a yeast infection.yeast infections come from s*x,pants to tight not giving your v****a enough air,and using powders and lotions down there.but every woman gets yeast infections!

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