
I think i may have pink eye (cause my eyes have turned slightly pink and itch) but i dont think its viral...?

by  |  earlier

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I wear contact lens, and a few days ago i was using a different solution/disinfectant bran then usual, and every time i would put my contacts in, they would sting my eyes horribly ( I think it might be a reaction too the brand i was using) any ways, i went back to the one i usually use, and it no longer stings my eyes, but i was left with what appears too be pinkeye, and im wondering if still have to dispose of my lens ;-; and also how long till it clears up, and can i keep wearing my lens (;-; i dislike going out in public with out them)




  1. you could have had an allergic reaction or something to the last brand you used. so switch to the one that you are using now. it should clear up pretty soon if it doesnt within a week see your doc. but just try rinsing your contacts with the solution u use now really good. good luck : )  

  2. If your eye is irritated you need to stop wearing your contacts for a few days for sure.  There is no way for you to know for sure if you have viral pink eye, bacterial pink eye, or if it is a reaction to the contacts.  However, if it is pink eye, within a day you would have lots of goop coming out of your eye and your eyelids would be stuck together in the morning.  If you have either viral or bacterial pink eye you need to dispose of the contacts you were wearing.  If you have pink eye you need to stop wearing contacts completely until the smptoms are gone, usually for a few days to a week or more.

    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, can show up when you least expect it, and it is very contagious. There is more than one type of pink eye, and how you treat it depends on the type. If it is bacterial you need antibiotic ointment or drops. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatory medication or antihistamines. Frequent hand washing is crucial to prevent spreading the virus or bacteria, depending on which type you have.   There is also something called CLARE, or contact lens induced acute red eye. Sleeping in contacts makes the eye more susceptible to inflammation/infection.

    These links give basic information about pink eye.

  3. You won't be going out in public with any vision if you don't get your eyes examined by an optometrist straight away.  You may have an infection that won't go away on it's own.  Not worth the risk to wait.

    Do you have a trendy set of glasses on hand?  You may need to wear them for a while - until your eyes get better.  It doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks of your 'look'.  Your eyes are priceless.

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