
I think i might be depressed but im not sure, someone help?

by  |  earlier

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whenever im with my friends im fine and act like i usually would.

but lately when im alone or something i just get into these horrible

moods about nothing at all and i can't stand my life.. am i depressed

or something? i cant figure it out someone help please




  1. i think you are depressed or you just hate to be alone. because i have a friend that hates being alone.

  2. get a boyfriend

  3. well, just to let you know, im exactly like that...

    Everything is perfectly fine when im around my friends, life seems normal. I act like im happy and i make jokes, laugh, twirl around a few times maybe. But when im alone, by myself, its different, way different. I FEEL different. I dont like being alone. I dont like myself when i AM alone...

    anyways, thats a question to yourself. ask yourself that.

    But, plz dont do anything that will cause trouble or harm to yourself or others (drugs, running away, self-harm, etc.). plz dont. it wont help the situation.

    Good luck


  4. You might.

    Take this self test:

  5. Just having to ask yourself that question means you have some kind of sadness or level of depression. Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. So figure what ever you are dong is not working and start to make some changes, or good choices that are different then you are making now. Soon the new good choices should add up and you might find a new you.. Good Luck

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