
I think i might be jealous of my bestfriend? What should i do

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We've been friends since we were 5 years old and we've been so tight until we got into to secondary school(high school) she started to make everything into a competition,a competition that i didnt want to join so i confronted her about it then it stoped.FOR A MONTH OR SO.So after the confrontation she not only boasted about everything she had she started throwing insults about my apperance.Which made me fire back and all of this has basically led to us only speaking to each other wen we want to argue or show off and im sick of it.Some times we can have a convosation until she has to show off again.




  1. she sounds like a nightmare, i think i would keep my distance and become closer with a better friend

  2. Just tell her to get a life and it sounds to me that the reason why she sees everything as a competition is because she is jealous of you

  3. She doesn't sound like much of a friend.

    Distance yourself from her.

    Sometimes, friends grow apart.

    It's obvious she is highly insecure and needs to be the center of attention all the time.

    I can't stand people like that.

  4. find a new friend

  5. Tell her to get over herself and you go and find someone who is worthy of you friendship.

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