
I think i might have a Luteal Phase Defect? : ( could you tell me if i do? : (?

by  |  earlier

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Well, Not last period but the one before that i ovulated late so therefore i got my periods late probably about 3-4days later & now im just totally confused :( i thought i had a 28day regular cycle cause when i first got the implanon out of my arm my 2 first periods after the implanon got removed them 2 periods were 28days regular cycles, so my last period was the 21 or the 22nd of June (last month) & my Ovulation Test Kit had ferns yesterday? & calculating the days starting from 21-22nd June im due for my periods this sunday? im only counting like that cause im counting it on a regular 28day cycle? or could not be regular anymore? :S so how can i be ovulating right now? there has to be a 12-14 day gap between so the baby can implant doesnt it?, so im worried that if i conceive that the egg will just get washed out with my period flow? cause my body-system has no way of knowing that ive conceived like it wont get the message through? : ( or am i mixed up? have i got something wrong? how could i be ovulating so close to my periods? im madd confused here. . i need help & im worried cause that meens if i do conceive between now & my periods it meens that i will just get my periods cause that not enough time to implant in my uterus? so does this meen i have a leteal phase defect :( i already have a 2yr old son but i had no idea back then about all this. I usually only get my periods for 3-4days i just do not know what is going on? can someone please tell me!

Thanks so soo much.




  1. You'll be fine.

    I think you'll find that AF will arrive a nice, solid 14 days after ovulation. Don't use the last cycle to predict your next period, because the b/c will still be messing with you! Make a note of all the data you've got, but I think you'll find that it works out fine. If you do get 3 consecutive cycles with a 10-day LP, go to the doctor with the data you've got (including the ferning info) because LPD is really easy to fix with progesterone suppositories. They work instantly too! Good luck :)

  2. Coming off of BC your body make take some time to adjust.  So I would throw out the 28 day cycle expectation.  If you are charting your temps and taking OPK's I'd listen to those.  It may take a cycle or two of doing those to know how long your luteal phase is.  It's way too early to diagnose yourself with any kind of defect there.  It would consistently need to be shorter than 10-12 days.  I know all of this stuff is confusing to track and after all you just want to know what your own body is up to.  Be patient with it and have fun "trying" every other day when AF isn't arround.  Good luck!!!

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