
I think i might have an underarm abscess, and im pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Like a few days or weeks ago I noticed that i have like a pink thing that's attached to my underarm. But it doesn't hurt, i can also shave over it and nothing happens, no pain. I thought it was like a pimple but I'm not sure. Should i just drain it out? It doesn't bother me at all. Oh and i'm 32 weeks pregnant, so i can't go to a doctor because they can't do anything because i'm pregnant. Here is a picture of it, it might be a bit blurry. What you think it is? Should i just squeeze it, to drain it?





  1. Ok, now I'm not joking or trying 2 be mean in anyway, but have you considered it might be a 3rd nipple????Sorry I don't mean to b gross

  2. could just be a pimple! Or it could be from your deoderant brand. you may be persperating more so than pre prego and your deoderant isn't strong enough, but clogging your pores at the same time. you may need to wash your pits periodically throughout the day and reapply. Hope this helps!

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